A Tale of Two Countries: There is No Possible Explanation Except That Covid-19 Vaccination and Boosting is Directly Driving Infections and Fatalities Now
Very different Covid-19 Vaccination and Booster Rates and Very Different Outcomes in South Africa vs. Portugal, with Higher Vaccination Rates Giving Far Worse Outcomes, Infections, and Deaths.
The Covid-19 Vaccines damage their recipients immune system. Due to permanent skewing of the immune system (original antigenic sin) to only being able to react to the alpha variant spike (and not the entire virus), recipients cannot develop immunity to subsequent variants. They can and are catching covid-19 again and again and again; even the same variant! Deaths are increasing!
This contrasts with natural infection in an unvaccinated person where robust and complete immunity is developed to which ever variant they catch during a first infection. They may catch covid-19 again, but it will be a different variant, and they likely will not get very ill, if at all, due to at least partial partial cross-immunity protection from the previous infection. They develop further immunity with every exposure.
A two country case study exemplifies this; if you want a detailed discussion you can refer to Igor Chudov here, and Dr. Paul Alexander here. Portugal is very highly vaccinated (95%) and boosted (70%), and South Africa has low vaccine uptake (35%) and even lower boosting rates (5%). Portugal has an advanced medical care system, while South Africa does not! Never-the-less South Africa has both low cases and low deaths, while Portugal’s cases and deaths are again soaring!
The lesson from this story? STOP the C-19 vaccine programme! It is not working! It is making things far worse on the covid-19 front, never mind the escalating AEFI, and the excess all cause mortality, which is stable for South Africa and heading straight upwards for Portugal.
No more doses to any person! Every single additional dose increases personal and population susceptibility to new variants!
People who are still unvaccinated likely have no need to worry unduly about new c-19 variants though of course they should join those who are vaccinated in taking aggressive lifestyle measures to optimize health and immune system. These will include optimizing vitamin D levels, quality nutrition (cut the sugars and processed carbs, instead eating whole unprocessed foods including those from animal sources), exercise, engaging in meaningful personal and social relationships, losing weight if overweight, and managing appropriately any chronic medical conditions; particularly those related to metabolic health.
Safe, cheap, and effective treatments such as IVM and HCQ, as part of aggressive treatment protocols, must be made widely available and used early to treat C-19 infections in vaccinated persons.
This is what it is all about. https://venusproject.org/articles/the-georgia-guidestones-10-masonic-commandments-the-new-world-order.html
And what did they expect with this, eh?
Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine? By Ricardo Delgado and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, January 19, 2022.
University of Almeria. Spain. Nov 2021. Detection of graphene in COVID vaccines using Micro-Raman spectroscopy... Prof Pablo Campra.
Austrian graphene Research Scientist/Med. Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED after he released his evidence of graphene in the 4 mRNA injections, and describing it as ''razor blades in the blood that will kill all who get it''.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. The mRNA injections HAVE AIDS!
Swedish study 2.28.22 demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Autopsies Prove Vax BioWeapon Caused Autoimmune Attacks And Death. (Based on 70 autopsies done by Germany's top pathologist, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt).
Prof Igor Chudov Pfizer vaccine, taken once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells…DNA transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine contains mutant gp130 Cancer Cells. 28,2,22
Journal of Hepatology. Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine.. confirmed.
Brghteon. Dr. Jane Ruby Show. Incredible evidence of cancer diagnoses in the jabbed, exploding cancers in the boosted. 2.15.22.