ABS Has Released Australia's 2024 Mortality Data up to November 2024 on 28 Feb 2025. Older Australians Still Dying in Excess Even in 2024, Evidence of Shortening Lives and Accumulating Harms.
Australians are dying in higher numbers than expected, with 64,606 excess deaths since 2020. There was a step rise in mortality following Covid-19 Vaccination Rollouts.
Deaths in 2024 are lower than 2022 and higher than 2023. No earlier year / pre-pandemic comparisons are provided. Perhaps to ensure short memories about what mortality was like prior to the called Covid-19 pandemic.
With each release a few more deaths are added to each month, and the final monthly deaths end up 200 - 300 higher than the first release. Accumulating data is plotted showing first report and latest report
Referring to 2015 - 2019 patterns I forecast expected changes in mortality up to 2024. To November 2024, there are 64,606 more deaths than would be expected based on pre-pandemic patterns, with 2,759 excess deaths added since last release in December which was up to September 2024.
The change in mortality patterns with vaccine rollout is abundantly clear. Deaths exhibited a step change within 2 months following start of rollout and have not returned to prior baseline.
There were no excess deaths in 2020, despite lockdowns and declared Covid-19. I plotted pre and post jab years on the same scale to make this trending clear.
The inflection started a few weeks after a slow rollout in February 2021. Yellow highlights the vaccine-induced (there is no other rational explanation) separation of deaths.
Annual deaths by month. 2024 deaths are not reassuring when looked at compared to prepandemic patterns.
Mortality patterns by gender also show a clear inflection in February 2024.
Somewhat reassuringly, deaths in younger folk have dropped in 2024. However, the deaths in the 75 to 84 are showing new records for 2024, worse in women than men, reflecting shorted duration of life, and there must be many more folk with much poorer health. Red arrows on the 2024 months indicate that the relevant month has the highest deaths on record.
Older Australian women aged 75-84 have done worse than Australian men. Loss of these women with their experience and support is a terrible loss to Australian society.
Annual births, deaths and natural increase are shown up to 2023. Australia still has an increasing natural population (births - deaths), also likely propped up by recent immigrant births. Average age of immigrants to Australia are in their late 20s. Trending of births though is generally down, and trending of deaths generally up. Natural increase has dropped from 156 thousand in 2014 to only 103 thousand in 2023, 10 years later.
Cause of death data shows increased cancer deaths and increased respiratory disease deaths since 2022.
This data may be shared freely, including all images. Please reference this substack. Source data is Australian Bureau of Statistics.
My sister suggested that the high 2024 deaths among elders aged 75 - 84 may well be "end of life pathways" which are being pushed upon senior citizens when the system no longer has patience to manage their health... She has personally observed this pathway in process where elders are denied treatment for treatable conditions and instead given "palliative care" which clearly hastens death. Essentially euthanasia.
Australia offer abortion up to birth and will allow babies who survive that process when close to term, to die without intervention or any care. No chance for such babies to be adopted by couples who want a baby.
Australia has lost their path when as a society human life is not valued and nurtured.
So there is a peak which coincides every year with the roll out of the annual covid shots every year ,starting week 22 ending about week 34 starting from week 22 in 2022.