Another Call To Halt Covid-19 Injections, Now in a New Paper from Dr. Aseem Malhotra
"A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for Covid-19 is long overdue".Yet the Philippines and Hong Kong plunge on unperturbed.
A just published paper from prior vaccine encouraging Dr. Aseem Malhotra, discussed here, describes sobering findings.
This damning paper claims that receipt of covid-19 vaccination was not fully informed as is legally and ethically required and calls for a halt, considering that recipients are more likely to suffer a severe adverse reaction from a “vaccine” than to be hospitalized for Covid-19.
Hong Kong is among the most highly vaccinated nations in the world. Their Government still subscribes to “vaccine immunity”.
They have already been dosing babies 6 months and up with sinovac and are now about to approve BioNTech for these same babies at 1/10th dose to “reduce likelihood of severe side effects such as myocarditis”, which they hope will appeal to vaccine hesitant parents. Why am I not reassured?
Meanwhile in the Philippines DOH ignores all international data, and continues to push calling 3 doses fully vaccinated for the general population and 4 doses for immunocompromised, 50 and older, and healthcare workers. 73.1 million people (93.5% of target) are reported to have completed primary series, and 19.2 million have taken booster series. Only Pfizer and Moderna are currently offered as booster dose choices.
Weekly reports on cases and deaths are provided to maintain alert and tension levels. 242 new covid-19 deaths are reported in the past week, though only 29 of these actually occurred in the past 2 weeks, and 2 new cases of critical illness to bring to 790 the total hospitalized critical cases!
Note that prior to 2021 typical normal daily all cause deaths were 1700 in the population of close to 110 million, of which around 240 were expected to be from respiratory-related causes.
1000s of people need to be injected to prevent one single Covid-19 death with a treatment that comes with its own very considerable risk of injury and death. 1 in 73 dead within 17 months based on UK ONS (office of national statistics) data.
Yesterday, my friend lost her young male neighbor in Cagayan de Oro. He suffered shortness of breath and died 1 day after getting a booster dose of Moderna, purportedly to prevent an infection he had no real risk from. Yet another bereaved family asking how to report the sudden death of their loved one, what to do now that their beloved father, husband, breadwinner is killed.
According to the ZOE app, the cases in the UK are starting to rise again, just as the bivalent boosters are being rolled out. I don't think that is a co-incidence.