CDCPH Have Issued a Position Paper Against Philippines SB1869 Which Sets Up the Philippines CDC to Deal With Future Health Emergencies, and the Philippines National Focal Point for the WHO.
This position paper is being shared with Senators. The window of opportunity for input by citizenry is now! This information is now public domain for sharing!
Groups across the Philippines are providing feedback to the Senate on SB1869.
Contact details for sitting Philippines Senators are linked here. They welcome feedback from constituents on important matters. This is one of the most important! Filipino Citizens, please contact your senators with your thoughts, concerns and inputs on SB1869. Senators are receiving a lot of feedback from across community sectors. This is the window of opportunity for citizens to raise their voices. The senators are listening!
The Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines (CDCPH) have issued a position paper on SB1869, here! Self-explanatory presentation materials explaining and summarizing the paper are set out below for easy reference.
Link to Senate Bill 1869.
Links for The Lancet, the Cochrane Library, Cell Host & Microbe.
Please feel free to share!
Thanks SS. Here's hoping your country stays, & remains free. from the evil clutches of the WHO.