Covid-19 Pandemic is Ending, not through the actions pushed by Teodros and His WHO & UN Cronies, but by an Avalanche of Incriminating Evidence of Harm that is Too Big to be Overlooked!!
NSW, Australia shows a pandemic of the vaccinated! Hong Kong in trouble with again rising cases and deaths! Peer reviewed study showed very poor booster risk-benefit outcomes. Graphene Oxide Study!
Teodros has just announced that the end of the pandemic is in sight, calling on countries to “take a hard look” at their covid-19 and pandemic policies and “strengthen them”, and to invest in 100% vaccination of at risk groups including health workers and of their elderly.
Tedros and his UN buddies are no doubt right that the end of the pandemic is nearing. I say NOT because of them, IN SPITE of them, because the house of pandemic lies has been built on quicksand! The flimsy threads of safe and effective are unravelling rapidly and can no longer be held together in the face of the mounting evidence.
The Covid-19 Pandemic was engineered to bring in the mRNA vaccines (modify the codes of life), social controls, wealth transfer, and population controls, among others. Surely by now those who are aware can see that the C19 and the vaccines are part of a larger plan to collapse and reset the entire world!
If the safe and effective fails will the rest of the plan fail?
Effective? Safe?
They renamed the experimental gene modification therapies as vaccines to increase acceptance and then marketed them aggressively as the way out of the pandemic. Remember lockdowns were to “flatten the curve” while the health care system ramped up? I suspect that was part of the psy-op to prepare the citizens to submit to the coming warp speed jabs.
The jabs were first equated to traditional vaccines and pushed to prevent infection and transmission. Then the narrative changed (though not in the Philippines, we are still at the “Wall of Immunity”, protect others phase) and they were marketed as a means to stop severe illness and death. But they are worse than ineffective, they drive infection and deaths! Every single place that the vaccines were rolled out cases and deaths exploded.
I have observed that when a country crosses a threshold at somewhere between high 60% and 80% of their population jabbed, they had (still have) waves of infection!
Australia has 86.5% of their population injected to date (225 doses/ 100 people); data from NSW which has a population of 8 million, 1/3 of Australia’s population, shows deaths and hospitalizations predominate in the vaccinated, the more doses (green = 4 doses) the worse the outcome.
Heavily Vaccinated Hong Kong is Having Rising Cases and Deaths
I haven’t written about Hong Kong before. Hong Kong, a bastion of obsessive masking, testing, isolation, and repressive C-19 safety measures, had effectively no C-19 cases, convincing most of the population that all the sacrifices, lockdowns and draconian border controls were somehow worth it (They still have mandatory, self-paid hotel quarantine for all returning residents and visitors)! When they hit 67% of their population vaccinated (160 doses/100 persons including 17.8/100 persons boosted) cases and deaths firestorm exploded.
As of 10th September 2022, they are up to 92% of their population jabbed and 73% boosted; expatriates have left, residents are fleeing in droves to other countries, they have a huge labor shortage, and no more tourism; no-one goes to the once proud vibrant Hong Kong anymore! Currently they have nearly 10,000 cases a day and deaths are rising again! The vaccines are clearly working, how they work!! Hong Kong is a shell of herself!
Denmark Stops Boosters for Most Under 50s
After stopping new vaccination of under 18s last 1st July 2022 and all vaccination of this age group by 1st September 2022, Denmark has now stopped booster vaccination for nearly everyone under 50!
Safety Based on Peer Reviewed Studies
For all the naysayers hanging out for peer reviewed studies, they are finally, belatedly being published, 1 1/2 years too late.
This discussion on peer reviewed research of Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters concluded that the booster vaccines are Unethical and 98x worse than covid-19 infection for young adults, paper here.
Serious adverse events of special interest? These skew the risk benefit the wrong way!
Another peer reviewed and discussed paper found abnormal blood in vaccine recipients.
Graphene Oxide
It has long been rumored that there is graphene oxide in vials. Here is a Forensic Report on the presence of graphene oxide in UK Vials of all the key vials.
Discussed by Dr. Anna as linked, I cannot absolutely vouch for these documents, but have no reason to believe they are not genuine. They are certainly devastating and incriminating.
If you still don’t believe there is a problem, just search the term “Sudden Death”. I got 216 million hits!
Sudden deaths?. Rubbish! Let’s cut the chase and call a spade a spade! Most are likely vaccine related. Please do not take any more of these products called vaccines than you already have!
EVERY ONE I know (68 TOTAL) who was vaccinated for Covid had an adverse reaction. Most were mild but some have experienced long lasting results like continued muscle weakness, especially at the injection site and residual flu like symptoms since the Vaccinations. Previous to the vaxx they were in excellent health. They all regret their decision to submit to the vaxx Feeling duped and that their future health has been compromised. Unfortunately 8 of these adverse reactions were severe resulting in DEATH. Their attending physicians claim the vaccine was NOT the cause, but pure coincidence. Another interesting point: I still don't know ANYONE who has tested POSITIVE FOR COVID! My personal experience as a youth in 1969 during the HONG KONG FLU outbreak , EVERYONE I KNEW WAS OBVIOUSLY SYMPTOMATIC. DIARRHEA, VOMITING, FEVER, DEHYDRATION, SICK! I spent a week in the hospital. My School teachers, family and friends were all affected. Interestingly There were over 4 MILLION+ deaths worldwide in 1 year. Not 2-1/2 years like the 99% MILD Covid. There were NO LOCKDOWNS, NO QUARANTINES, NO BUSINESS OR school CLOSURES. We simply let it run its course.
As the Plandemic ends, I just like to thank you SuperSally for your efforts and sacrifices for continuously enlightening us all through out this Scamdemic. I believe you have save more lives than most doctors who chose to cling to the mainstream narrative. Mfamilyay God always Bless you and Keep you Safe as well as your family.