DOH Says 2022 is not 2020 Too! Why then is the same old strategy being used? PinasLakas - Strong Philippines! Vax and Boost to the Max!
A fierce push to use expiring vaccines, to reach the unvaccinated, to boost and double boost! Warning: international experience shows mass boosting will be followed by mass cases, AEFI, SAE & deaths!
DOH says 2022 is not 2020 Too!
It is not 2020 when we had no excess deaths (actually, below normal deaths) and covid-19 deaths replaced typical rates of respiratory deaths.
It is not 2021, when we started a vaccination campaign hoping to stop covid-19 in its tracks, and instead saw suddenly soaring covid-19 cases and far higher excess deaths than could possibly be explained by covid-19! 40% excess deaths, to be precise, and still counting! 15 months into the vaccine rollout, why is vaccination as the key strategy still being pushed? Even in the face of the very mild omicron, and no deaths since early June 2022, despite rising case numbers.
Current vaccination rollout as of 25th July 2022, here, with 156.5 million total doses administered: 69 million first doses, 71.5 completed doses, and 16 million booster doses.
PinasLakas was launched today 26th July 2022, the goal being to deliver 23 million doses, focusing on boosters and also rounding up those who are eligible but have not yet taken any doses, within the first 100 days of the Marcos Presidency?
Marcos has promised no more lockdowns, but he will push hard on the vax and boost to the max. Will those who refuse to be jabbed be punished by complete exclusion from society as is being ordered by the Governor in Davao del Norte?
A mass education / PR campaign was also launched today!
Get vaccinated for health (kalusugan)!
Get vaccinated for tourism (turismo)!
Get Vaccinated for work (trabaho)!
Students, get vaccinated and boosted for school.
The comments on these DOH FB promotion posts are well worth a read and indicate the sentiments of many netizens.
The stated goal of the government is to build immunity and prevent community infections! Unfortunately, the vaccines cannot deliver on this goal, and the opposite outcome is likely to ensure.
Recently vaccinated persons are far more susceptible to covid-19 (and other) infections and death in the first 2 to 4 weeks post vaccination.
The referred breakthrough cases are far higher now for omicron and its BA4 and 5 variants. If we refer to recent NSW Australian Data, hospitalized cases are almost exclusively in the 2x jabbed group (green bars). Discussed here. Source here. Why would the Philippines experience end up different?
Vaccine adverse events also peak in the first 2 weeks post vaccination, referred to international advserse events tracking systems. Events are dose dependent!
Deaths from vaccination may be passed off as deaths from covid-19 (and immediately cremated without autopsy).
Be warned Philippines! This vaccine push is folly! The vaccines will not deliver on your hope. They will have unforeseen consequences of AEFI, vaccine injury deaths, and soaring cases.
Christine Anderson, speaking to the European parliament, has called these vaccines the biggest scandal in medical history, and the biggest crime ever committed on humanity!
Pray our leaders will look beyond the popular media, beyond the push not to waste bought and donated vaccines, beyond $$$, fear, and political expediency. Pray our leaders will be wise enough to learn from the international experience, to read the peer reviewed literature, to listen to the non-compromised non-conflict of interest experts, and learn from them, instead of repeating the same insult on the Filippino people.
Pray our leaders will be compassionate for those already injured and killed. Pray they will be guided well, be strong, and truly wise!