DOH Vergeire Confirms She Is Willing to Accept the Position of DOH Secretary, Declares that Covid-19 Emergency is Not Over Despite Manageable Cases and Hospitalization!
Discrepancies in Covid-19 Death Data. PSA has not released any final 2021 vital statistics: FOI notified schedule on marriages was Nov 2022, on Births was Dec 2022, and on Deaths was Jan 2023.
Vergeire has confirmed that she will be willing to accept position as DOH secretary, should she be offered the position.
She has also declared that Philippines is not out of the Covid-19 emergency phase, despite low and manageable cases and hospitalizations.
I am curious what it will take for her to declare there is no longer a concern. Here is the latest DOH update on Covid-19 Deaths. Note only 30 attributed deaths in the first 3 weeks of 2021 (1.4 deaths a day vs. normal daily expected all-cause mortality for January of 1,800 a day nationwide). Is she doing a New Zealand and aiming for zero covid-19?
Here are the updated Covid-19 deaths as of the DOH 28 Jan 23 data drop (data to 21 Jan 2023). 65,032 deaths over a nearly 3-year period, during which normal expected population deaths would have amounted to at least 1.8 million! Hardly a pandemic.
Another concern is the validity of the DOH data. Another evaluation by Barry. Date of registered death from Covid-19 plotted against last positive Covid-19 Test.
13,187 persons were tested on the day they died. Death from Covid-19 or with Covid-19. 2,797 were tested positive AFTER they were already dead; the longest being 22 months AFTER deaths. Then there were others who died not days or weeks after a positive test, but months later (1 person reportedly died of covid 27 months after he was tested.
The DOH data set shows if the patient who died was confined (in hospital). 81.6% of those reported as dead from Covid-19 were never admitted to a hospital, leaving only 11,983 who died confined, sick enough to be in hospital.
Was the Covid-19 in those who died outside of hospital an incidental finding? It could well be. During Covid-19 in the Philippines families were not permitted to bury a loved one who had died of any cause without a negative covid-19 test. Anyone testing positive for covid-19 upon death was compulsorily cremated, sometimes with government assistance.
There are also cases in the data, where people had no test data provided at all. Only a date of death. Whether typographical errors, or dirty data that hasn’t been sorted and cleaned, this data doesn’t engender confidence.
The public seem not very interested in being jabbed and boosted any more.
Vergeire is going to have her hands full cleaning up the DOH’s data tracking and public reporting to regain public confidence if she becomes Secretary. Oh wait, my bad! She has been OIC for the past 6 months! Perhaps there is still some major housekeeping to be done.
PSA Scheduled Releases of 2021 Vital Statistics Not Met
PSA has not released the Final Vital Statistics for 2021. As revealed from FOI request response (Tracking #PSA-816217352811), the scheduled release dates were November 2022 for 2021 marriages, December 2022 for 2021 births, and January 2023 for deaths. None have been released yet!
We wait!
This woman is completely CLUELESS! There have been more Murders and car accident deaths in the past 3 years than Covid-19 attributed deaths. If she can't read and comprehend simple yearly statistics she is Not qualified to manage a small Sari Sari store!
Vergeire is a C**T.