Fertility Specialist Dr. McLindon Presentation On Covid-19 And Covid-19 Vaccination!
27th August 2022 Presentation Linked.
Here the presentation from Australia’s Fertility Specialist Dr. McLindon, discussing Covid-19 infection, and Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy. Must watch, must share!
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By SuperSally888 · Launched 4 years ago
Health and Wellness. Currently reporting is mostly focused on the Covid-19 scene in the Philippines, with occasional Australia-related posts.
When you use the stick and the carrot to reward doctors for pushing the mRNAs, and threaten doctors with losing positions, jobs, licenses, etc. if they speak out, this is the situation we get. This man is courageous and has my respect.
I watched the video. Hopefully there would be more concerned doctors like Dr. McLindon who would come out soon and dare to ask questions regarding the mainstream narrative.