Going Against World Trends and The Latest Safety Data Which Shows That Risks Far Outweigh Benefits, Philippines Senator Calling for Vaccination of Babies to Maximize Vaccine Use and Avoid Spoilage!
Using up these vaccines on our most precious, vulnerable babies might come with a terrible price tag! May rationality prevail!
We took off the masks, now let’s jab the babies six months and up “to maximize vaccine use and avoid spoilage”! House Deputy Majority Leader Lorenz Defensor urged the Department of Health (DOH) on Monday to be quicker in formulating a policy on vaccinating children below five years old. That means our babies are the next target!!
The DOH does not yet have a policy for vaccination of infants and young children! Clearly Defensor has no idea that children are not given the same doses as adults, that the UK has recently banned the use of Covid-19 Vaccines in preadolescent children, and that Denmark no longer recommends Covid-19 Vaccines for under 18s. That the Covid-19 Vaccines are being flagged for reproductive harm, including possible blocking of normal sexual maturation in boys! That while healthy children have next to no risk from covid-19 infection, they have very significant risk from these products labelled as vaccines.
He has no idea that there is a new paper out looking at the risk-benefit of Covid-19 boosters in University Students (not babies, but if these are the results in older youth, how much worse will it be in rapidly growing infants and toddlers), that shows devastating odds (download paper here), a dismal risk-benefit balance.
Requiring 22 to 30,000 previously uninfected adults to be vaccinated to prevent a single hospitalization, these vaccinations come at the cost of net expected harm: “Per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities”.
Further discussion by Metatron, linked below, and Steve Kirsch here. These are talking about short-term reactions. What happens next?
If the government won’t say no more, the parents must! Parents act now for fear you will outlive your offspring, for fear you will have no grandchildren, no ancestors! Your line will stop with you! No one is more responsible for your children than you! Step up parents, take that seriously!
Deputy Majority Leader Lorenz Defenso is simply a Delusional fool
@ Sally, substack exposing Pfizer's contracts