How do we assess safety? We compare Covid-19 Vaccines to all previous vaccines!
Adverse Reaction reporting systems worldwide show massive increases in reactions and deaths for the Covid-19 Vaccines! Safety profiles are looking abysmal.
Vaccines are potent drugs designed to elicit protective immune responses in healthy recipients. These are medications given to well people to prevent possible (not confirmed) risk of disease. Thus, they should be subject to the highest safety standards.
Unfortunately, this is not the case! In 1986 in the US, in response to massive damages claims against vaccine manufacturers an act, H.R.5546 - 99th Congress (1985-1986): National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, was passed to shield vaccine manufacturers from liability. Vaccines are not subject to the same high (though not infallible - vioxx, thallidomide, among others stand out) standards as other drugs. With the passing of the 1986 act, vaccine doses to children exploded.
Into this scenario has entered the EUA covid-19 vaccines, targeted to every single human on the planet. How do we know they are safe? Because the manufacturers and government say they are?
Here are vaccine adverse reactions prior to the covid-19 vaccine (Data source is Vigiaccess, the WHO AEFI tracking system). Historically, we can see that the flu vaccine had the most reported adverse reactions. These images are all provided by my friend Cebu Philippines based, data analyst Barry Murrel, here. His website is well worth exploring!
Flu vaccine also had the most reported deaths.
After the covid-19 vaccine was introduced, all other reactions became insignificant in comparison.
All other deaths became barely a blip! These reactions are only since December 2020 up to March 2022, vs all history of other vaccines. Deaths are also astoundingly high, of completely different magnitude to previous deaths.
Efficacy is already lost, if it even existed (go check the Pfizer data drops!). Negative efficacy, worsening with each dose is evident (UK data). These vaccines do not provide positive benefit for omicron, immune activation lasts only weeks, and indeed there is negative efficacy (worse outcomes the more vaccines taken). The analogy of using these vaccines is like using a flu vaccine for 2 years’ ago flu variant. Who would do that?? Why are these obsolete (and dangerous) products still being pushed so hard.
The evidence doesn’t just show these products are unsafe, it shows that they are deadly! The data is overwhelming! Wake up folks! Survival instincts need to kick in!!