Chicken Little is a much loved fairy tale where Henny Penny, while taking a walk on a fine summers’ day, was hit on the head by a falling acorn. Not seeing what had hit her nor understanding the truth, she ran terrified to her friends declaring that the sky was falling. They could not see evidence, for it was indeed a fine day, but trusted her and joined in her terror and decided en masse to go find King Rooster to inform him of the danger. On their way they met a fox, who gleefully agreed to guide them, thinking of the easy meal he was soon to enjoy. Fortunately, on their way, as they passed under an acorn tree, a big wind blew up and knocked some acorns off. Some of these landed on Mr. Fox’s head knocking him out cold. The friends then saw that the “falling sky” was only an acorn and realized that they had narrowly escaped with their lives. They went back to their farmyard and their lives, a little wiser and far more cautious about giving in to terror.
This tale is so relevant today. The acorn that will kill us all, is a virus. A virus, not so very different from those humans have lived with for millennia. Is this really the sky falling down? Media and governments would have us think so; having us run in chaotic ever tightening circles of reducing liberties, and increasing control, poverty, and despair. The big pharma foxes are gleefully rubbing their hands at the easy, liability free, cash windfalls that are coming their way. If they can “require” boosters on top of the currently targeted doses for every single man, woman and child they are set well into the foreseeable future. There are thousands of new billionaires rising out the ashes of the lives and fortunes of normal people.
Fear is an incredible tool! It brings out our instinctive lizard brain, where all we can think about is the falling sky, the invisible foe (the unseen virus), which can be granted any power the terrified imagination can dream up; instead of being able to see rationally that this is really an acorn. What if the real falling sky are the vaccines being presented as the only way out to return to a “new normal”?
Rationally, here are some facts: worldwide, while there were occasional peaks in deaths in 2020, the overall death rates were totally normal or even lower than normal. Meaning that the people who died last year (whatever the cause) were actually going to die anyway from various causes. Never before in our history have we had day by day announcements of deaths, and daily reminders to stay living in fear. Masks cannot protect from viruses which easily slip though their pores. But they do act as a constant reminder to stay scared! Deaths this year, though, appear to be rising particularly in younger cohorts, synchronously with the vaccine rollouts. Correlation perhaps, or not?
For me, the death of one person, the loss of a loved one is a huge event. One hundred people could represent nearly everyone I know! That is a huge number for a human to comprehend. However, every person is born, lives, and after a span of time, dies. With a world population of more than 7 billion and a normal annual death rate of about 870 people per 100,000 population, this equates to normal annual world death rates in the tens of millions. We have to step back from our fear and take a broader view.
Public health measures have always been about benefit to the majority; with the risks and benefits of any measure need to be balanced with respect to overall long term outcomes. For example, every lost year of schooling is known to result in decades of lost opportunity, poorer health, and shorter life. That goes way beyond personal loss, it translates to the loss of educated population, which can devastate an entire country’s future.
Delta Variant, despite MSM pronouncements is not more pathogenic; it seems it is less dangerous, though indeed it may be more contagious. In virology, this is a good thing. People can catch it, recover easily and without sequelae, and have durable and robust immunity. Evidence is rapidly growing that natural immunity for these corona viruses is far superior to that induced through a syringe.
The vaccine silver bullet may be anything but. The touted cure, which was developed at a warp speed of only months instead of the 8 – 10 years which is typical for vaccines, seems to come with a heavy dose of side effects (millions of adverse reactions and 10s of 1000s of deaths in grossly under-capturing and under-acknowledging rudimentary systems). The silver bullets may be quicksilver… deadly in the veins of their recipients and with short and limited protection given as reward for acceptance of high risk; this is being seen in many highly vaccinated countries. Breakthrough infections in the fully vaccinated (vaccines were not designed to prevent infection or transmission), which do come with serious illness and even death for some, are evidence that the vaccines do not work! That the vaccines cannot be our way out! So, how, do we take back our hand from Mr. Fox? The pharmaceutical companies have forced governments to sign onerous contracts that do not allow them to halt product delivery, even if the products do not work, even if alternative treatments are found.
There are alternatives; our future could be robust natural health instead of a pharmacological-driven future. We know risk factors; they are squarely in the age and comorbidities box, and these can be addressed. There are low cost, readily available repurposed medications and nutritional supports which work effectively, and which are virtually risk free. For high risk populations, early treatment has been shown to prevent severe cases, while low risk groups may recover easily and with no sequelae. Doctors have found effective treatments which, if allowed to be used, can help in recovery of all but the sickest patients; never forgetting that severe and multiple comorbidities mean that most die with rather than from covid.
What will it take to change course? Some of us have already seen that this is only an acorn, even while the majority are still running terrified from the falling sky. Confirmation bias helps terrified people to only look for the evidence that supports their terror. Our governments and leaders need to take a step back, admit that their course may not have been optimal, be brave enough and strong enough to say, “there is a better way”. Look at and be guided by the multitude of highly qualified researchers, anthropologists, immunologists, public health professionals, lawyers, doctors and educated people who are speaking out, despite the censors, who can show us the alternative path back to the barnyard and a normal, but wiser life.
Then we will look up, enjoy the sun and the fresh air, and say to our friends and family, “Yes, isn’t it a beautiful day!