I just listened to this song.
This is one of Australia’s iconic nationalistic songs. The clip is simply stunning!
It makes me homesick. It reminds me of the best of Australia. The bright colors, the harsh light, the contrasts; in people and place from beautiful coast to coast. I cried a little, sad for my kids not to have the opportunity to experience the Australia I grew up with. Though maybe I have been away too long, and maybe that Australia no longer exists, or maybe it has changed beyond recognition.
That brings me to today. The escalating situation that would have been incomprehensible a mere 18 months ago, even though its unravelling has been in the making for decades. What a cruel awakening!
I cannot reconcile what I am reading and seeing in the past months, with the Australia in my heart and in my head. That bright, sharp, laidback, and easy going place... where give it a go to get a go, was a national chant! The land of strong, practical, caring people who eat vegemite and “come from a land downunder, where women glow and men plunder”…
How did so many of these carefree people get so broken, so stockholmed that they cower and obey with little more than a whimper the cruel meaningless dictates of self appointed overlords, refusing to look their neighbors and friends in the eyes? Overlords who have systematically removed all vestiges of democracy and accountability under the never ending and continually extending guise of a “Pandemic State of Emergency”; whose 2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into 18 months with no end in site. Overlords now openly and gleefully discussing new world order, population controls, medical apartheid, and the freedoms they will never give back; while flaunting their own freedoms as privileged elite.
What is happening to Australia now and where it will end is in the hand of each and every Australian and each and every Australian resident, from where ever you come. If you are happy with what you see, then fine, sit back, and enjoy the ride. I can assure you that what is at the end of this railway track is not what you were expecting. You could learn much from history, if you dared to look! If you are not happy though, or maybe apprehensive, then the time is already well past doing nothing.
I cannot join you there in Australia. The days of easy travel are also now past. I can only share what I can and what I see from my perspective, cheer you on robustly, and do what I can from and for my gracious host country, which is also facing a similarly grave situation.
I would plead with you all, to our global population actually, for we are world citizens as much as we are citizens of any country. Please retain your humanity, especially for those whose choices or paths you disagree with. Wishing painful death, isolation, and destruction on those you disagree with is totally uncool, and that is an obscene understatement. A travesty for homo sapiens who are a social species, and who owe our very success and evolution to that social nature.
Please insist on truth and fairness. Please fight the censorship with all you can; our history and knowledge is being rewritten by sinister vested interests. Science has been captured and is being distorted, and medicine is not the noble of art of healing that it once was.
Take everything MSM publishes with a boulder of salt, a whole truck load in fact. Media don't care for truth or representation and trust that your attention will be too short to last further than a 30 second clip, and your curiosity too dulled to look beyond their polished lies. Communicate from the grassroots up... the top down is only propaganda!
Hold your leaders accountable. If they are not, then face the fact that we need new leaders to step forward. Leaders come in all sizes and shapes. Leaders in families, leaders of clans, leaders of workplaces, communities, governments. All are equally important. If you can lead, base it on a sound morals - commonsense, fairness, decency. If you cannot lead, then choose who you follow carefully and support them wholeheartedly, but with eyes wide open for abuse readily grows in the lulling broth of complacency and comfort. Reach out to build community! Rebuild caring and support! We will find our strength in numbers!
Hold yourself accountable! Don't believe you are owed a future by someone else, while you passively receive without doing your part. As was historically the case, you must make your future with hard work, sweat, tears, and whatever else it will take! Teach your children well as they will inherit the future that we are making, and will be our future and comfort, if we step forward now!
If you not You, then Who? If not Now, then When?
It must be Me! Now! Join me!
Blessings, Love, Bravery, and Power to you all!