Moving Beyond Covid-19 Infections, Though Not the Consequences of What Has been Done to the World's Trusting Population, it is Time to Take a Broader View of The Plan and the Planners.
WEF Plans shared from Igor Chudov's Newsletter! Is global warming and climate change a farce too? A big dose of skepticism is required! Read on, if you dare!
WEF Has Plans of Great Control
If you are not already following Igor Chudov, I very highly recommend his works! What he writes about at first sounds like conspiracy, but it is not! If this is your first exposure, well then, place your decent trusting to one side, and read with an open mind.
I was first introduced to these ideas more than 15 years ago, and at that time I rolled my eyes and listened out of politeness because the person raising them was an excellent senior engineer. I suspected a grain of truth amongst the crazy theories. I have since found out most of the topics raised were neither crazy nor theories!
If you are already aware, Igor provides some great links, though the topic and its implications are anything but great! Forewarned is prepared.
Is the Climate Emergency Invented?
Certainly, we have a pollution emergency, a soil and environmental degradation emergency, among other genuine emergencies. But do we have a climate emergency?
You may say “of course we do”! The experts have been telling us about it for years! Consider though, that we only get to hear the carefully crafted opinions of the Technocracy’s endorsed experts. Convincing us that there is a climate emergency and gaining our compliance with the draconian, but necessary measures to address it, for our own good, is part of their plan for us as introduced by Igor, above!
Could there be another side? Anyone who attempts to show that the current weather cycles follow patterns which have always been present is typically not given a platform. Vilified as climate change denialists, and robustly censored!
Haven’t we learned anything yet? The more strongly the establishment opposes an opinion, the more likely it is to be right, or at least have a basis worthy of consideration!
Could data be manipulated to show us what the experts want us to see? Australian Senator Rennick says, yes, and provides articles and evidence on his webpage.
This January 2022 paper from Italian researchers, is worth a read, along with their conclusions. Commented here by Sky News Australia.
They conclude:
If we have no climate emergency, what is geo-engineering about? Bill Gates had his plan to dim the sun publicly admitted in 2021. Is that what is happening, has been happening for years and is now ramped up big time? What is being sprayed worldwide (metals: aluminum, cadmium, strontium, barium, and ??)? WHO (pun intended) authorized it, and for what purpose? Human health has certainly never been worse!
In Australia, respiratory emergencies are being linked with storms. Could that occur when a major storm dumps bolus doses of suspended sprayed particulates onto populations?
I grew up in Australia. When I was young asthma was very rare. Now it is very common, often very severe, even deadly (multifactorial causes, for sure)!
An ominous, beautiful but deadly(?), soupy sky!
If there is no climate emergency, we must be very careful not to allow measures that will cause, similar to the Covid-19 pandemic measures we placidly allowed (my analogy), far more damage than we could ever have conceived!
this does not fit the official narrative, and it is from 2021. A year later they keep saying 6 million
Fascinating! I looked up more because of your article, I have some asthma, and especially to sagebrush which is everywhere. Makes so much more sense now!