Need to Come Up with New Strategies to Lure More Filipinos to get Vaccinated, particularly the Booster Shots.
These are the words of DOH spokeswoman Vergeire as she calls for immediate booster rollout for healthy kids! Vaccines are now driving infections and deaths. They must not be given to our kids!
These are literally the words of the DOH spokeswoman quoted in today’s The Philippine Star! Filipinos, it seems, are not very enthusiastic about getting boosted (only 26% of eligible people have taken doses), and thus they need to be lured into doing so! Will that be by coercion or by force, Madam Undersecretary?
Healthy children, 12 - 17, typically fare extremely well when exposed to covid-19, and then go on to develop robust, broad, and lasting immunity. Articles presenting large-scale studies supporting zero effective risk for healthy children: here, here, and here.
In the Philippines some youth are reported to have died with covid-19, though the 5 to 19 age groups have always represented the lowest reported deaths, and it is impossible to know what the children’s health status was and the contribution of covid-19, if any, relative to other causes.
Vaccinated children, whose immune system have already been modified by the genetic modification intervention, may not fare as well, but additional doses do not benefit immunity for more than weeks at best, and come with high degree of risk of adverse reactions!
Immediately following boosting there are increased rates of covid-19 infection (immune suppression from the vaccine), thereafter there is a short period of lowered rates of covid-19 infection (weeks), after which negative efficacy again presents (more likely to catch covid-19 than never vaccinated children). This is all available in Pfizer’s own data (access here)!
Any parent or guardian properly informed of the possible outcomes of covid-19 vaccination would certainly not risk the following for their child: -
Increased rates of covid-19 immediately post-vaccination, short-term reduced rates, finally negative efficacy
Destroyed possibility of long-term immunity and permanent modification of immune function.
Unquantified rates of AEFI including anaphylaxis, allergies, autoimmune conditions, peri and myocarditis, neurological conditions, immune deficiency which comes with increased rates of all other infections, cancers, death!
Unknown long-term developmental and fertility consequences.
Parents, guardians, please do your research. Please proceed with caution. You cannot take these injections back once they are already done! Any consequences will be at your own risk and expense, on your shoulders, and on your heart!
Is she scratching her head and wondering what else they could do? My impression is that evil (and the devil) do not run out of ideas on persuasion .... and temptation.
On what basis does DOH promote this deadly gene therapy to the people they're supposed to protect? It's always been a mystery to me why they ignore their own data until I read this news item quoting a study published in Lancet that the vaxx has saved potentially 20million lives one year after pandemic: