Officials Still Say Safe and Effective. The Evidence Harm Continues to Accumulate. Failure of Officials to Acknowledge On-the-Ground Situation Bodes Poorly for their Professional Survival!
USCDC says safe, booster away! Medicare says unsafe. 2.4 million VAERS reports. Autopsy describes post-jab fatal pathology. Fauci bought the science. Damning Australian Review. THERE IS A BETTER WAY!
OWID US data would make one terrified to not yet have received a bivalent Covid-19 Vaccine booster. It looks as though only unvaccinated Americans are dying at high rates.
That reassuring data is from the CDC, which still unreservedly pushes Covid-19 vaccination. From the USCDC:
Recommendations to stay up to date with boosters:
From the US there are now 2.4 million reports of adverse events. 34,653 Covid Vaccine Reported Deaths. Only the tip of the iceberg of death, disability, harm, and suffering that is happening worldwide. Most of the devastation is unreported, unacknowledged, and unassisted. Humanity have lost our humanity!
US CDC and US Medicare Data Show Diametrically Opposite Outcomes
The US Medicare data show that these vaccines are not safe or effective, that they make death more likely, as discussed by Steve Kirsch.
America’s Response was Based on Lies
A discussion on the current state of affairs from Scott Atlas. If the US response was based on lies, and the US effectively led and drove the Covid-19 responses that much of the world followed, then the discussion here is relevant to everyone!
He concludes:-
Autopsy Findings in Sudden Deaths Define New Post-Vaccination Syndrome
Discussed in this article.
Here is the paper from German researchers describing post-vaccination cardiac autopsy findings.
The authors describe a new syndrome as being related to T-lymphocyte (predominantly CD4 positive subset) associated with mild myocyte (heart muscle cell) damage, that resulted in death due to “acute arrhythmogenic cardiac failure”. In layman terms: the vaccine components entered heart cells resulting in heart inflammation (myocarditis) which disrupted heart electrical activity and caused sudden death.
The Science has been Bought
If the researchers had been listened to. If the outcomes were not being hidden and suppressed, we would have stopped this travesty of medicine before it was even brought to the general population, two years ago!
We did have “the science” self-proclaimed by Dr. Fauci. But it turns out he bought the science he wanted. Just one of surely multiple purchases by Dr. Science: Dr. Redford’s Interview reveals a USD9 million grant to researchers following their officially changing their statement on Covid-19 origin from lab leak to natural.

Australian Review Paper - Damning Evidence
Another published paper documenting harm. How did this stunning and damning Australian paper published last September 2022, get missed? It was referred by a friend. Well worth detailed reading. It needs to go viral! Neither safe nor effective! Evidence of harm, evidence of suppression of science. Why has the Australian Government refused to listen? How much were they paid, or what pressures were used to convince them to treat Australians the way they have been and continue to be.
Calls for Accountability and Retribution
The evidence keeps piling up. The continued refusal by health and public officials, academics, legacy media, and governments to look at and act on the evidence will be damning for their professional survival. Evidence on failure of EUA products, evidence of failures of lockdowns, evidence of now tightening wide-reaching masterminded plans to centralize world control. They are all complicit!
Admitting something was wrong and dealing with it might engender public support, conciliation.
Continued pushing of the agenda, coverups and obfuscations, failure to admit and failure to act this will engender anger and calls for accountability, and retribution!
There is a Better Way
This doesn’t have to end with what was planned by the instigators. If you are not already following World Council for Health, I absolutely recommend them. They have weekly general assembly meetings on various empowering topics.
They are not an organization; they are an initiative! They start with the wellbeing of individuals, responsibility, respect, and expand from there. They give us a concrete values-based way forward!
I will be writing more about them in coming posts. The Philippines Council for Health was established on 17th February 2023!
How indeed did that Australian Review article get missed. Maybe it should be sent to the likes of John Campbell, who could highlight it?
Great post