ONS Mortality by Vaccination Status Data is Acknowledged to be Grossly Misleading, with Systematic Biases. Conclusion: Data Can Not be Used to Make Assertions About Safety and Efficacy.
Prof. Fenton asking why there has not been any update of ONS mortality data since May 2022. Could data be unreleased because it might show something that government authorities don't want seen?
Sharing post from Professor Fenton and Martin Neil regarding inadequacies of ONS vaccine mortality data.
Today’s discussion here between Dr. John Campbell and Professor Fenton. Best watch while it is still up!
Captured a few images from the presentation.
Miraculously the unvaccinated started dying at a far higher rate from non-covid-19 causes than the unvaccinated just after the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out. Of course, that pesky little cofounder… all persons are considered unvaccinated until 2 weeks after completion of primary series! Unboosted until 2 weeks after booster dose. Couldn’t be that people died after being jabbed but before they could reach “vaccinated” or “boosted” status?
Lots of data discrepancies. This table points out that non-covid-19 mortality should not have changed in any of the groups examined.
Watch and marvel at the duplicity and cover-ups that have been concocted.
That are now being uncovered! That will be uncovered, everywhere, ultimately! When the data is finally released!
What? UK ONS, not got the correct numbers? What a surprise? NOT! Unfortunately.