Philippines Court of Appeals has Issued CDO on 2 GMO Crops Due to Lack of Full Scientific Certainty on Impacts of these Products. C19 Vaccines Meet Definition of GMOs but were not assessed as such?
Gilespie-Campbell interview is taking substack and twitter by storm. I add an initial Philippines context to the Vaccine-GMO discussion.
Headline news today in the Philippines is the issue of a cease-and-desist order by the Court of Appeals over the commercial propagation of GMO crops due to lack of certainty of the impacts on human health.
The relevant products are Golden Rice, which was approved for food feed and processing in 2019 and for planting in 2021 after the Bureau of Plant Industry decided that it is as safe as conventional rice varieties, and BT Eggplant which was approved for commercial production in 2022.
The withdrawal of approval for GMO products, and the discussion on precautionary principles driving this, could not be more appropriate in the context of the just released interview (24April 2024) between Australian Former Barrister Julian Gillespie and Dr. Campbell. The interview is 1 1/2 hours long, but well worth watching.
Mr. Gillespie explains how the Covid-19 MOD vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) fully meet the definition of GMOs and explains that their manufacturers should have, but didn’t, obtain a GMO permit before bringing them to the TGA for approval. What makes the discussion even more shocking is that AstraZeneca did apply for and get a GMO permit prior to applying to TGA for approval for Australian distribution of their product. Moderna apparently did ask whether they should get a GMO permit but were advised that it was not necessary. The interview is still on YouTube, linked below.
Julian’s substack also links the interview and provides links to many resources.
Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines and Viral Vector Vaccines are GMO Products
The following is copied from the description under the YouTube discussion, concisely setting out how the vaccines meet the definition of a GMO under the Section 10 of the Australian Gene Technology Act.
An Organism is: ‘any biological entity’ ‘capable of transferring genetic material’
The Pfizer and Moderna Covid products contain LNP-modRNA complexes These complexes satisfy being called ‘any biological entity’ under the law.
The modRNA is genetic material.
The Lipid Nanoparticles or LNPs encapsulate the modRNA and together bio-distribute and transfer the LNP-modRNA complexes throughout the human body
The LNPs then transfect and transfer the modRNA cargo across cell membranes to deliver the modRNA inside cells.
By moving the modRNA about the body and then into cells, the LNP-modRNA complexes physically transfer genetic material after injection.
So, the Organism part of the GMO definition is satisfied by the physical mode of transport of the LNP-modRNA complexes.
The next part of the GMO legal definition is – a Genetically Modified Organism is an organism that has been modified by gene technology.
Pfizer and Moderna admit they modify genes to create modified RNA or modRNA for their products.
The MHRA, EMA, FDA, and TGA when approving the Covid-19 products recognized that Pfizer and Moderna use modified nucleosides for the modRNA. In the TGA Australian approval for Pfizer for example, the TGA notes: The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162b2 mRNA (tradename Comirnaty), comprises a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2.
Pfizer and Moderna create their modified nucleosides in the lab using recombinant techniques.
So, the Gene Technology part of the GMO legal definition is also satisfied
The Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products satisfy the Australian legal definitions for being properly called GMOs.
Under the Australian Gene Technology Act anyone who ‘deals’ with a GMO in Australia must be regulated under a GMO license. Pfizer and Moderna failed to apply for GMO licenses in Australia Dealing with GMOs in Australia without a GMO license is a serious criminal offense under Section 32 of the Gene Technology Act 2000.
Could this same argument be applicable to the Philippines?
I did a very quick dive. There is so much information, there are many departments involved, and there are many protocols to be followed. I have just picked a few points out of what will take weeks to find, study, and understand.
Biosafety Permits Are required for GMO Products in the Philippines
Certainly, GMO products require Biosafety Permits before their introduction in the Philippines. The form and link below refers to a biosafety permit for a field trial of a regulated article (a GMO plant).
The mRNA and Viral Vector Covid-19 Vaccine Products did not pass through any biosafety evaluations in the context of their being GMOs.
GMO in the Philippines
When discussing GMOs and their approvals and handling, the Philippines refers to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which is an international agreement concerning the safe handling, transport and use of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology, adopted on 29 January 2000 and came into effect on 11 September 2003.
A National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP) exists under the DOST (Department of Science and Technology). It is required to provide oversight to all genetic engineering experiments conducted in the Philippines. It is required to lead and coordinate multi-sector efforts to develop and implement biosafety policies.
DOST has Mandates.
The DOH is included and also has mandates under the NCBP.
Under Executive Order 514, series of 2006 (download here), the DOH is responsible for biosafety decisions concerning pharmaceuticals for humans that are not explicitly excluded under article 5 (of the Cartagena Protocol). THE DOH SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF AND RESPONSIBLE FOR BIOSAFETY RELATED TO COVID-19 GENE MODIFICATION PRODUCTS, which instructed the recipient’s cell to produce spike protein, permanently changing their function and expression.
There are very comprehensive requirements and protocols related to the permit to use, transport, handling and monitoring of GMO products in the Philippines. Details of these are accessible via the Biosafety Clearing House Page.
If these vaccines are GMOs they should have passed a completely different approval pathway than they did with the Philippines FDA.
If the humans who have received these products and had their gene expression and cellular function modified are GMOs, then they will be covered under the NCBP, as will their offspring if those children can be demonstrated to have had their genes modified. Will vaccinated people, and their offspring, meet the definition of LMOs (Living Modified Organisms)? Will these people then be subject to Biosafety regulations? What about their interactions with persons who are not modified?
Independent biosafety, legal, and medical experts are needed to look further at these issues and to bring this to the attention of authorities.
Some 73.8 million Filipinos received Covid-19 vaccines, with Pfizer having the highest uptake, and also being the main product given to children.
How many of these recipients have been GMO’d without their consent? What of their future and that of any surviving children? Can GMOs pass via sexual intercourse, though blood, via shedding to people who did not take the injections?
The answers become ever more critical. DOH, you need to answer some questions! FDA you need to answer questions! Relying on and following “mature” regulatory agencies decisions is not going to help us, considering that those “mature” agencies were fully complicit in the crime!
Very interesting SuperSally! Your red underline shows so clearly what the real precautionary principle is. And I had not seen your pinned post about hot lots before. Heaven knows how you get so much done!
Some elememts in the Philippines are trying to convince people that the TEMPERATURES are uncontrollably rising. They are now confusing people by citing something called the HEAT INDEX to make people believe that the annual temperatures are rising DANGEROUSLY. This is a new SCAM to further convince people of "climate change".
Please help inform everyone that the annual temperatures are THE SAME AS ALWAYS. HELP PLEASE‼️