Philippines DOH States Unequivocally That Deaths Following Covid-19 Vaccination are NOT Due to the Vaccines; They Are Coincidental and Solely Due to Comorbidities.
DOH is going against international data showing unequivocally and statistically significantly that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing excess deaths (Researchers predicted the jabs could kill in 2020)!
According to Department of Health OIC Vergeire, all 2,620 deaths reported to the Philippines Pharmacovigilance reporting system as of 6 August 2022, are unrelated to the deceased’ prior receipt of any covid-19 vaccinations ((reported on Friday). This statement came following the PAO hearing (in Tagalog/Filipino Language) on 2 September where questions were raised with regards to the deaths and injuries reported to DOH and the FDA following Covid-19 Vaccination!
Link to the latest FDA Report as of 6 August 2022, here! The reports are supposed to be released every two weeks, but the 20 August report has still not been released!
Internationally, adverse reaction reporting systems are known to be massively under reporting injuries and deaths related to vaccines. Any single death reported to an adverse reaction reporting system may or may not have been directly caused by the vaccine recently received. Specialist investigation, autopsy with proper tissue sampling, sectioning and staining, may be required; what isn’t properly looked for cannot be found.
The presence of a comorbidity in and of itself doesn’t mean that the comorbidity caused the death. People can have stable comorbidities, even multiple comorbidities, and still have a long life expectancy. What was the factor that suddenly changed their comorbidity from manageable to fatal? Did they die unexpectedly and before their time? Did something trigger their death?
Did all of those 331 young adults (18-39), 41 youth (12-17), and 12 children (5-11) have underlying unknown comorbidities that suddenly unexpectedly killed them shortly after they were injected? The average age of the reported deaths at 59.48 is considerably lower than the Philippines Average Age of Death, which is just over 70!
Without doubt, the person who reported the injury and/or death thought that it was related. If they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of trying to report; attempting to get the tragic outcome recorded. Reporting takes time and effort. There is no financial reward for reporting. No incentive at all, except perhaps a hope to be heard, a hope to prevent a similar outcome from happening to someone else’s loved one!
While causation can be challenging to prove from individual cases, population data and trending though, can clearly identify relationships. This is exactly what is being done now by multiple international researchers across multiple countries using Government and insurance data. The evidence is rapidly accumulating, proving that the Covid-19 vaccines have caused the massive and mounting excess deaths seen worldwide.
Proven VERY STRONG statistically significant association between Covid-19 boosters and excess deaths, across multiple countries!
The vaccines do not deliver to prevent covid-19 infection, severe infection, or even death. There is also a tsunami of mounting evidence over severe health outcomes; being documented in medical journals and literature. So much mounting evidence of vascular damage, neurological damage, fertility impacts, cardiac injury, and it just goes on. Even US CDC is backtracking now!
If the US CDC can be wrong, why can’t the DOH? Though both seem equally bent on continuing on the multiply inject every living being irrespective of cost path they are on.
Nearly every medication can have severe, even fatal outcomes for some recipients. These covid-19 vaccines are not just any medication, they are powerful immune system modulators, with novel adjuvants, which change cellular function and interactions. They are known to be distributed to and to affect every system in the body. Their action is known to be persistent, with no off switch for the triggered toxic spike protein generation. They are given in multiple doses! These vaccines are killing some recipients directly. Their immune system impacts also are allowing cancers and other adverse health conditions to flourish unchecked. Of course they can kill! They are killing!
Everyone already knows someone who died shortly after vaccination! Many know multiple people. The DOH is meant to the keeper of population health. I have not seen a statement from them with regards to the massive excess deaths in 2021, 43.2% higher than 2020! Shouldn’t they be investigating these as a matter of urgency, to find out and address the cause, to ensure that the public can maintain their trust in DOH and government institutions?
The data is available! It is time for an investigation! Time to withdraw heads from the sand and face up to what is happening!
Duque, Duterte, and Vergeire need to be charged for crimes against humanity.
It's obvious that DOH is lying and they need to be taken to court.