Philippines February 2023 Pharmacovigilance Report Released. +409,084 doses. +161 Reported Suspected Reactions; including 72 Serious and 5 Additional Deaths (2,801 Total Deaths) Since 31 Jan 2023.
Hospitalization 4.36/100,000 doses. +2 myocarditis cases , +2 Bells Palsy cases since I last looked at breakdowns on 31 Oct 2022. Only 108 identified priority conditions from 112,264 reports?
The February 2023 Pharmacovigilance report reminds readers that benefits in prevention of severe and critical disease far outweigh risks for the majority of recipients.
The FDA reports 170,481,075 doses of various vaccines administered between 1 March 2021 and 28 Feb 2023. New doses administered in February 2023 are mostly Pfizer brand. There were slight negative dose adjustments on AstraZeneca, J&J, and Sinopharm.
The DOH Covid-19 Vaccine tracker reports 189,783,345 doses (19+ million additional doses vs. FDA) as of 28 February 2023. The DOH tracker also notes that 4 million doses are not yet included in the tracker as of 8 March 2023. Why is there is a difference of some 23 million vaccine doses between FDA and DOH?
It is concerning that there are considerable discrepancies between vaccine dosing from different sources (FDA vs. DOH). These two agencies are supposedly interlinked. How does this affect monitoring of vaccine campaign public health outcomes? Should the Commission on Audit perhaps be reviewing these delivery discrepancies? What else is not being tracked and monitored accurately?
Deaths are now up to 2,801! 5 deaths have been added since 31 January 2023, including that of 1 child aged 5 to 11, and 1 young adult aged 18-39.
The monitoring of priority conditions is disappointing. Only 4 new cases identified since I last looked at the priority conditions at the end of October 2023. Out of 112,264 reports they have now identified 108 cases of priority conditions; total to date of 21 cases of myocarditis (+2) and 3 cases of pericarditis, 1 case of capillary leak syndrome, 30 cases of Guilian Barre, 34 cases of Bells Palsy (+2), and 9 cases of immune thrombocytopenia; most are still under investigation with causal link unassigned.
What happened to the other 112,156 reports? What were the causes of the 2,801 deaths?
The FDA state that they review reports for any signal to ensure that benefits always outweigh risks.
Constantly reviewed??? How do 112,264 reports, 10,593 serious including 2,801 deaths not constitute a signal? 2.5% of the total reports are deaths! 26.4% (more than 1/4) of the serious reactions are deaths. 1 death for every 60,864 doses in a known to be massively under reporting system!
Steve Kirsch estimates 1 deaths per 1000 doses and 1 serious injury per 100 doses. I suspect it is worse here in the Philippines.

March to September 2021 registered deaths and vaccine administration data (PSA & DOH sources), gave a rate of about 1 death per 215 doses of vaccine (calculated on total doses, total excess deaths). If I considered the March to December 2021 data, the death rates would be about 1 per 432 doses (approximately double Kirsch’s rates). However, the completeness of the Oct to December 2921 registered deaths are still questionable.
Vitamins get recalled in the Philippines for being suspected of having marginally exceeded safe levels of ingredients.
Yet these EUA injectable products are not recalled with so many reported suspected adverse reactions and deaths!
Something is very wrong, indeed! Very skewed! The watchers are blindfolded and mute, it seems. Who is watching the watchers?
Very alarming data! Thank you for fleshing it out for us.
Thanks SS