In 2021 Philippines had 232,660 Excess Deaths as of the 28 February 2022 PSA Preliminary Birth, Marriage and Death Statistics.
Compared to 2019 all cause registered deaths in 2021 increased by 38%, while registered live births decreased by 22%; a combined effective population loss of 596,982 persons who died or were not born.
Today the Philippines Statistics Authority released its Birth, Marriage and Death Statistics for 2021, preliminary, as of 28th February 2022. This data is still incomplete, particularly for November and December because of late registration, meaning it takes 3-4 months for the larger part of the deaths, and 4 to 5 months for the larger part of the births to be registered and reported.
Compared to the previous data drop last 22nd February 2022, which contained preliminary data up to December 2021 (as of 31st Jan 2022) there was an increase in registered deaths of 23,119 to bring the total preliminary death count for 2021 up to 853,074, an excess count of 232,660 compared to 2019, on average 637 additional deaths per day. [The 23,119 additional deaths is low for a one month increment in registered deaths considering that normal monthly deaths prior to 2021 were about 50,000 a month].
Drop in Births for 2021 vs 2019 now stands at 22%, an average reduction of 998 babies per day. This is particularly interesting as there was a considerable increase in registered marriages in 2021 of 28,883 per month as reported here, which did not translate to more babies (though we do need to remember that babies take 10 months to arrive).
Here is the updated preliminary all cause mortality comparison graph. It shows a 38% increase in mortality; likely to still be considerably higher in the final fallout, which should become more apparent as the data comes in!
There were no excess deaths in 2020. There were no famines, no wars, no severe natural disasters to explain the excess deaths in 2021. Yes, there were covid-19 attributed deaths in 2021 (about 46,339 based on DOH Covid-19 data tracker, date of death). PSA claims a far higher count of about 74,008 for 2021 “covid identified”, but neither can explain the 232,660 excess deaths.
The vaccines are claimed to have prevented covid-19 serious illness and thus mortality. Maybe they did, in some cases? However, they are also the only major new intervention in 2021. Could it be that they also contributed to this massively excessive and unprecedented increase in all cause mortality? Are they contributing to the drop in births? Similar excess mortality is being seen worldwide in all heavily vaccinated countries, but not in those countries which did not have much vaccine uptake (refer to Africa).
If we were to act with an abundance of caution, an immediate moratorium on all further vaccine rollouts should be called, not withstanding that the vaccines on hand are expiring!
Compilation of data including breakdown of deaths and comorbidities by age, for comparison with historical data, is urgently required to be addressed by our best and brightest epidemiologists and public health professionals. May I dare to suggest that this data should be an election issue to be discussed and addressed by all serious candidates?
If there is any chance that these vaccines are at fault, we stand to lose many more lives by our inaction! What is the value of a human life?
Even one death is too many, and we have already inexplicably lost 232,660 compatriots from our beloved Philippines!