Precautionary Principle
Stand up parents! Targeting of 5 - 11 years in Philippines starts on 4th February 2022. Will you sacrifice your children for the government on the altar of big pharma?
The precautionary principle is as follows:-
“The Precautionary Principle in its simplest form states: "When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically" (
Then I open today’s newspaper and there is an back to school editorial in The Philippines Star, stating that schools can only go back when all kids are vaccinated! These editors have no idea what they are calling for!
The evidence of death and injury is overwhelming. Locally and internationally. It is an avalanche of pain, misery, suffering, and denial by those who are causing this! The same paper today also has a front page headline “PopCom: 2021 deaths highest in 63 years”! Something has gone terribly wrong!!! The massive excess deaths only started in March, concurrent with the rollout and increasing as more vaccines are injected into more people! 4th Quarter data is isn’t even available yet.
I fear that we are killing our people with syringes, instead of guns! Those most trusted with public health are most at fault driving their people to this unknown fate that is increasingly looking dire. They are blaming covid! However, that is impossible given the known IFR of covid. Also, there were no overall excess deaths during the first year of lockdown, despite covid. The deaths only started to become excessive and to massively escalate matching the very rollout in 2021!
Our children have no risk from covid!!! Their death rates are vanishingly rare. Most recover rapidly and easily if they catch it, in mere days! I speak with direct first hand experience! Their immune systems are ideal from handling this bug!
Parents how can YOU wish to inject your children with an experimental drug that they don’t need? These are your children, your babies, your future, our future, humanities future! How can you suppress your parental instincts to such an extent that you willingly line up your beloved children to participate in an unprecedented experiment?
With unknown consequences? WRONG! The consequences are already being seen! We already know! Excess death rates in the population increase in the population following the ages that these “vaccines” are rolled out to.
In science, when you see the same thing happen again and again with a temporal association, you may assume cause and effect. Particularly when then is no other explanation for the unusual patterns seen. The deaths are only the tip of the iceberg, there is also incredible disability and chronic illness.
Why is the media now normalising childhood strokes, hearts attacks, cardiac illness? Who provides most of media’s budget? The government! Pharmaceutical companies! They KNOW!!!
Some children die soon after these injections! We already KNOW that myocarditis and pericardits are fatal outcomes in usually less than 5 to 10 years. We see pediatric strokes and heart attacks, and abnormal blood clotting; some fatal, some merely disabling and lifechanging. We see paralysis (guillian barre syndrome), we see spiking autoimmune diseases (diabetes, skin allergies, arthritis, among others), we see abnormal menstruation and bleeding! We see massive increases in rare and aggressive treatment-resistant cancers!
PEDIATRICIANS, you claim to have dedicated your life and your profession to the care of children! Where is your care now? Isn’t it already time to stand up and call for adoption of the Precautionary Principle! To stop the rollout here and now!!
Have no doubt this is genocide! This is democide! Will this also be Filicide? Your chilling call parents! Wouldn’t it be safer to wait?
I have studied every day of the pandemic and now have information coming in from nearly 200 scientists and doctors who are sick pf having their patients die. They all agree that every person who gets the injection will stand a very high chance of dying within 5 years. Some even 2 years and of course some within days of vaccination.