Response to Popcom Article on Excess Deaths and Reduced Births
"... creating "vaccines" for a purpose other than the good of mankind would be unthinkable and utterly inhumane."
There is a very interesting article published in the Enquirer “PopCom maintains: High mortality rate, slow birth rate due to COVID-19, not vaccines | Inquirer News” and worthy of a response. I will set out the article with comments in the margins.
Labelling the messenger as ‘anti-vaccine” to discredit them and thus to discredit the message is an old trick. However, the presentations being referred to set out an assessment of published population data and asked that the correlation between the excess deaths which seem temporally related to the rollout in all jurisdictions be further assessed! Please focus on the critical message, not the messenger.
Selective picking of data can make a situation look not quite as bad as it actually is. Note also that most of their 88,191 excess deaths were not in a 6-month period, they were in a 3-month period, from March to June 2021!
Here is what the excess deaths actually look like! The situation got far worse in the 3rd Quarter! 4th Quarter data is not yet released. This trending shows a rapidly worsening situation. Hardly a natural pattern!
To look further at the birth data; recall that a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks (range 38 to 42 weeks). The impacts of the March 16 lockdown on registered births should not be seen until December 2020 when babies conceived during lockdown start to be born. Indeed, December 2020 does see a drop in registered births. We also see an even bigger drop to January 2021 and the registered births then track lower in all available 2021 data. So certainly we can conclude that lockdowns reduced likelihood of couples to want to conceive a child.
The impact of the vaccination program which started in March 2021, shouldn’t be seen until November / December of 2021. That data is not available yet, and thus we cannot draw any conclusions yet. The additional spanner in the works was the commencement of vaccination of 3rd trimester pregnant women starting in August of 2021. That could start having impacts already from August and into September (data still not complete). I have not been able to find any published data on late term miscarriages in the Philippines yet to make any further assessment of patterns. Another item for the health authorities to carefully look into!
Far more questions than answers. However, the current situation needs action. Every day counts!