Safe Ba Talaga? (Is It Really Safe)? Those Who Died Cannot Tell Their Stories, But They Are Not Forgotten. Others Are Warned! Shame On The Agencies That Still Deny Harm, Failing Their Duty of Care!
Constitutionally Compliant Businesses Philippines have released an infomercial regarding the deaths of their fellow citizens! Private groups are stepping up where the Government and Media refuse!
Philippines DOH represented by OIC Vergeire claim that there are very few adverse events from the jabs. Just at 0.014%. That none are proven serious, nor that deaths were caused by the vaccines.
However, she is denying that there are many deaths. That there are even more people seriously injured. So many sudden unexpected deaths. So many cardiac deaths! So many cancers! So many new autoimmune conditions, among others!
This segment from CCBPH.org shows the faces of just some of those who have died post jab.
It is is in Tagalog (Filipino), but relevant to even non-Tagalog speakers. Please watch and share! Heart rending! Translation for the Tagalog is provided below.
Bakit ang kinalabasa’y ganito? Why is the result like this? People unexpectedly dead!
The English translation to the dialogue:
Is it really safe?
OIC Dept of Health Dr. Maria Rosario Vergeire
"Yes. And when we talk about adverse events, it's just .014. Very small … very rare. We have not yet been able to prove that these are serious or that the deaths were caused by the vaccine."
If Dr. Vergeire is not wrong, what is the cause of excess deaths?
Why do many die after being vaccinated?
Why are they not given much attention?
Of the mainstream media? Of the DOH? Of our hospitals and doctors?
And to those who got vaccinated, and you're okay, that's fine.
But even if you don't have adverse effects, this is no reason to ignore those who were affected and died.
And to those who say, "the benefits outweigh the risks",
Our only question is: is death a benefit?
For whom?
For the victim? For their families?
For all those who are homesick this Christmas?
So, our question is... is it really safe?
You... what do you think?
Vergeire’s claim of only 0.014% is already not true, based on the latest FDA AEFI report as of 30 November 2022, which shows reported rates of 0.07%/.
Reports made in a reporting system that is known to be grossly underutilized. That same system has reports of 10,341 suspected serious reactions and includes 2,760 deaths. Real rates of adverse reactions likely to be magnitudes higher (at least 40 to perhaps 100+ times).
Of course they play on the “suspected”, and refuse to admit causality!
Their claims of investigation and monitoring are clearly suspect. Out of 168 million doses of vaccines injected, and 111,046 reports of AEFI, to date, they only admit anaphylaxis at 1.93 cases / million doses, hospitalization at 4.3/100,000, 13 cases of thrombosis-thrombocytopenia syndrome (all under review for causality), 4,761 Covid-19 infections with 256 deaths (all blamed on natural Covid-19 infection), 5 cases of product-related myocarditis (plus 15 under review), 1 case of product-related capillary leak syndrome, 10 cases of product related Guillain-Barre (+5 indeterminate cause and 14 under review), 9 cases of product related Bell’s Palsy (+3 indeterminate, 2 coincidental, 19 under review), 4 cases of product-related immune thrombocytopenia (+2 indeterminate, 1 coincidental, 2 under review).
These few admitted adverse reactions and cases under review are barely moving from month to month. What about the 100,000+ other cases? What happened to them all?
The 2,760 reported deaths are considered to be coincidental, and mostly due to multiple existing comorbidities. What were the causes of deaths? Even the deaths of the children (64 reports) and young adults (355). They are not being considered at all!
Where is the accountability? The evidence of harm continues to mount! The acknowledgement of harm is also coming out! DOH, FDA, you will be held to account, it is only a matter of time!
Excess deaths from Australia as reported on www.thehighwire.com. Edward Dowd’s site.
Australian doctors, who previously pushed the covid-19 jabs, find out the hard way with personal experience about vaccine injuries and how vaccine injured persons are treated! Ignored, denied, and cancelled.
US, found dead at home!
Do not comply! Do not take any more than you already have! Your life depends on it!
Purely anectodal, but a guy I know who works as a prison guard in Christchurch, NZ, Filipino by birth, said he lost two brothers to the jab in the Philippines. They were both doctors.
This is all part of the same reversal of burden of proof. It is not us who have to prove harm, but the burden is on them to prove they don't causee harm before unleashing them on the world. We should not allow them to get away with this reversal.