Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Has gone from vanishingly rare to increasingly common. Young adults are being urged to get their hearts checked. They claim the cause is unknown; the C-19 Vaccines are known to have cardiac sequelae.
Healthy young people are dying. The media claim doctors are baffled. Link here! I suppose they are really just muzzled, and not permitted to publicly connect the mass population intervention with the worldwide soaring deaths in age groups where previously sudden unexplained deaths were rare.
Prior to 2021 most people's cause of death were clear to family and friends: an accident, a sudden acute illness, a developing illness, accruing poor metabolic health, extreme old age, etc.
Officials do suspect SADS may be cardiac death related and it has also been referred to “Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome”. There is literature prior to 2021 discussing SADS and it’s cardiac links. Here. Here. Here.
There is even an increase of sudden cardiac deaths in children. This was displayed at a US pediatrician's office, directly denouncing the vaccine as causal in sudden cardiac death.
Our Philippines vaccine injury pages are full of young people dying suddenly and unexpectedly; many attributed to cardiac death. No one OFFICIAL is speaking out!
We must not accept this as part of our “new normal”. It is not!
A sudden unexpected death in a young or youngish apparently healthy person 6 months, 12 months, 18 months post C-19 jab absolutely is suspect! Report all injuries and unexpected deaths. Philippines DOH FDA reporting link here. Prepare vaccine card details, death certificate, hospital / medical transcript, if any. Reporting is confidential!
This is horrible but needs to be told. I agree with the Doctor’s sign - we really need to warn injectees about the perils of strenuous exercise. Back in the day some would say “I get my exercise being a pallbearer for my friends who exercise”. That was never true till the C19 vax rollout.
Are you located in the Philippines or just reporting about what is happening there? Thanks.