Suddenly there was Monkey Pox! Is this a distraction? Will it follow the Zikka playbook and disappear quietly, or will it follow the C-19 playbook and give us another pandemic and manic restrictions?
A Distraction from the WHO IHR Vote in Davos? Another Lab-Modified Plandemic? Or is it a AEFI from the C19 jabs where suppressed immune systems cannot deal with circulating viruses? Maybe all three?
Bill Gates was warning (or was it gleefully predicting) that humanity should prepare for a pox outbreak last November 2021.
His predication / warning came after the publication of the report on the NTI’s March 2021 “fictional exercise” which simulated a deadly global epidemic of an unusual strain of laboratory engineered monkey pox virus released in a terrorist attack. Here is the webpage, here is the report.
Do we still remember Event 201, which happened in October of 2019? That was a desktop simulation of an outbreak of novel coronavirus that was transmitted from bats, to pigs, and then to humans. Coincidentally that was a mere month before the first reported cases of C-19 in China! We have all been living with the resulting government (over)responses for the past 2 1/2 years!
Is monkey pox simply a distraction from the World Health Organization (WHO) agenda to pass a Global Pandemic Treaty (comments and petition from CCH4 here) that would give it control over the world’s health agenda, next week in DAVOS or are we in line for another remarkable coincidence?
Following is the simulated timetable from page 10 of the NTI report! The simulated terrorist attack releasing the laboratory modified monkey pox virus takes place on 15th May 2022!
Now suddenly, not even a week after 15th May 2022, all newsfeeds, all social media, all headlines are screaming monkey pox!! Was that 2021 event a practice run for what is planned, in plain sight?
The signs and symptoms of typical monkey pox, first identified in a human in 1970, are similar to those of smallpox, but usually much milder. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, a general feeling of discomfort, and exhaustion. It is only transmissible by direct contact with lesions or from an animal bite! The new monkey pox is reported as atypical and to be spreading (possibly via sexual intercourse) more widely than previously seen. To date it has apparently affected 130 people (yes, 130 out of nearly 8 billion), and no one has died!
Fortuitously, what irony, there is a vaccine! This is the repurposed smallpox vaccine “Jynneos” developed by biotechnology company Bavarian Nordic! This is a live and non-replicating vaccine applicable for both Smallpox and Monkeypox. It was just announced that the US is rushing to order millions of doses for delivery in 2023 through 2025!
Will the Monkey pox/ Smallpox vaccine be rolled out widely? I sincerely hope that this scare goes the way of Zikka, which was a flash of attempted panic, dismissed, and then gone!
We have a population already well primed for health disaster! C-19 vaccination, already delivered to more 65.7% of the world’s population, is being associated with autoimmune issues, and with VAIDS (Vaccine Induced Immune Deficiency Syndromes), among other serious lifechanging outcomes. Both natural infection and C-19 Vaccination are also being associated with reactivation of latent infections (shingles from chickenpox, herpes simplex / cold sores, hepatitis, tuberculosis, among others)….
Before jumping on a jab for everyone, for every thing, every time, people need to know that live vaccines are not recommended for immunocompromised people whose immune systems cannot properly fight off the inactivated virus; the risk of active illness from the vaccine is very high (Ie. the recipient may develop vaccine strain monkeypox / smallpox). C-19 vaccinated people are potentially immune-compromised. Adding a monkey pox / smallpox vaccine on top could be disastrous!
A distraction from the WHO takeover, a plandemic, or a complication to adverse events following vaccination? Maybe all three?
We must not allow this to prosper!! Please see it for what it is! 130 people? Maybe STD, or direct lesion contact infection? Lets use the knowledge gained in the past 2 1/2 years that hysterical measures cause far more damage than any virus. Instead of working with nature and strengthening immune systems human our interventions have made things far worse.
Let us do better this time!
Found you and subbed from your link on another blog.... so hopefully you won't mind me dropping one here :) Just started writing about the effects of EMF pollution on health, environment and society (gone mad). Trying to keep it 'normie friendly' (accessible and fun).