Updated Release of 2021 Vital Statistics Show A Total of 879,429 Registered Deaths and 1,364,739 Registered Births. Cause Of Death As Of 31 May 2022 Released.
Registered deaths are 37.2% higher than the forecast deaths for 2021 and 42% higher than the registered deaths in 2019. Registered Births are 18% lower than the registered births in 2019.
The Philippines Statistics Authority collates and analyzes vital statistics data as received from the local civil registrars (LCRs) of all 1,500+ cities and municipalities nationwide. Considerable delays can be experienced in the submission of data from LCRs to the PSA.
Vital Statistics Data; Registered Deaths and Births
New data on vital statistics was released on 13th August 2022. There is no “as of date” stated on this data. The previous release of this data set was on 12 April 2022 and was as of 28 February 2022. The change in registered births and deaths compared to the previous data drop are set out, showing that there were still data additions even dating back to January 2021 for this release.
With the new release, registered deaths have increased by 26,355 and registered births have increase by 55,138. Updated figures for both of these are set out.
There are 238,622 excess deaths compared to the overall forecast deaths for 2021 of 640,807, to give total registered deaths for 2021 of 879,429. The sharp rise in excess deaths in September seems to have dropped off for the last months of the year. Further rises may still be expected in the final completed data.
There were 1,364,739 Registered Births in 2021. This is 18% lower than the registered births in 2019, the last “normal” birth year. 2020 births were 9% lower than 2019 with 1,528,684 births being registered. The average daily 2019 birth rate of 4,586 dropped by 847 babies a day to 3,739 in 2021, giving 309,184 fewer babies that year. Add this to the 145,239 fewer babies born in 2020 and there are now 454,423 fewer Filipinos in the past 2 years.
Combining 238,622 excess deaths and 309,184 fewer babies gives an effective population loss of 547,806 in 2021. Note that the population of the Philippines is still growing, though more slowly than previously, because the overall birth rate still exceeds the overall death rate in the current data.
Further changes (increases) in both birth and death data is still expected as further data is received and compiled by the PSA. Final data release for 2021 is scheduled for January 2023.
Cause of Death Data
COD data as of 31st May 2022 has been released, presenting data from January to April 2022 and breaking down causes of death for 157,507 persons. The vital statistics with by month breakdown of data as of 31st May 2022 have not yet been released. The previous COD data release was as of 31st March 2022 and broke down causes of death for 43,805 persons registered in January and February.
This latest release shows negative % changes in total numbers of deaths on most causes of death compared to the same period in 2021. This is likely due to the data still being very incomplete. The leading causes of death were Ischemic Heart Disease (#1 with 18.7% share), Cerebrovascular Disease (#2 with 10.4% share), Neoplasms/ Cancer (#3 with 9.5% share.
There were 7,692 deaths (4.9%) with Covid-19 virus identified, and 2,534 deaths (1.6%) assumed to be from Covid-19, but with the virus not identified. The PSA Covid-19 deaths data more than 2x higher than that of the Philippines Department of Health, which has reported only 4,915 deaths from January to April 2022.
So, MSM & DOH herald that PH passed 60,000 SARS-COV2 deaths last week, over a 30 month period yet fail to tell the public of the more distressing 244,000 Non-SARS-COV2 excess deaths in the 12 months of 2021.
Yes you read that right; 4x as many persons passed on in 2021 who in all likelihood should not have passed on and did so from something other than C19.
Those people alone represent a 41% increase in all cause mortality in 2021 against the five year all cause average.
What’s more distressing is that the lack of public awareness of this is a clear indication that the MSM & DOH don’t even appear to care.
If in fact we limit the scope to only 2021, 43,000 died of C19 v 244,000 excess deaths above those C19 deaths and the expected number of deaths naturally.
That’s SIX TIMES as many. And “crickets” from medical personnel, government and media.
DOH and the Philippine media who is suppose to be the guardian of Filipino health and information dissemination are the biggest killers. Because of their subservience to the pharma industry in all this. FILIPINOS WAKE UP!!!