What A Difference A Day Makes: Palace Agrees with the Lifting of Outdoor Mask Mandates!
Reporting on the brand new peer reviewed Ivermectin Study out of Brazil, the 70 countries lifting Covid-19 travel restrictions, and the latest masking madness reversal out of the Philippines.
A massive, tightly controlled, 88,012 participant peer reviewed study just out of Brazil shows a 92%, dose dependent reduction in deaths for the Delta Variant relative to Ivermectin Use!
Finally, we have the peer reviewed study that all those fixated on and waiting for high quality peer reviewed studies cannot ignore! We have vindication and validation for the 10s of 1000s of doctors and researchers who had been encouraging the use of ivermectin even in the face of stalwart opposition by government and mainstream medical associations.
Worldwide we have reported (though likely grossly overestimated) 6.51 million deaths from Covid-19! Were 92% of these deaths (six million deaths) unnecessary, and preventable in retrospect?
The NIH does list ivermectin as a treatment “under evaluation” for Covid-19, although the most updated recommendation on 29 April 2022 advises against the use of IVM. Perhaps it will update that recommendation in the near future in the light of the Brazilian study.
With the validation of ivermectin, we have proof that there was no basis for EUA approvals of any of the now proven dangerous and ineffective experimental Covid-19 vaccines, because there was a cost-effective, readily available, safe and effective medication available! Will those EUA's now be revoked? Their validity is certainly questionable. Who is going to be held to account for blocking ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine? Who is going to be held responsible for destroying the world economy and the futures of so many just so they could get vaccines into every arm, wealth shifted to corporate interests, and unprecedented, massive power over populations without accountability?
Removal of Covid-19 Restrictions in 70 Countries
All Covid-19 restrictions on travel have been removed in 70 countries! Mob rule is finally turning to a stampede away from pandemic measures! 70 is too big to ignore, others will surely follow suit, sooner than later.
Masking in the Philippines
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday morning DOH was still claiming that masking would be the last public health measure to be removed and berating Cebu over their move to make outdoor masking non-mandatory, and a personal choice!
Yesterday afternoon, following IATF recommendations to remove outdoor masking, the DOH is mumbling about masking still being advised for the elderly and those with multiple comorbidities as they face the removal of outdoor mask mandates!
Egg on the face of DOH! Next will come the mad scramble to deny responsibility for damage and deaths and for poor decisions. Attempts to rewrite history and the Covid-19 Pandemic dialogue. Interesting days ahead. Do not be taken in! Do not forget!
Now we will see who has been taken in by the mass conversion, and who was simply complying because they felt they had no choice. Remove the visual reminder of the tyranny, and the tyranny will lose its power.
The wall is crumbling! Finally!
Stopping the jabs is next!
Great news!