While Much of The World are Relaxing Covid-19 Rules and Restrictions, Hong Kong is Still Knuckling Down!
Vaccine Pass! Kids must be jabbed! 7 Hong Kong doctors imprisoned for suspected malpractice over issuing vaccine exemptions, which the Government now wants to invalidate. Cases & Deaths Continue.
While the rest of the world is gradually lifting restrictions, Hong Kong is knuckling down. You can check whether you are eligible for a vaccine pass in Hong Kong, here. While it is not illegal to be unvaccinated in Hong Kong, without a vaccine pass you can’t attend work sites, can’t eat in restaurants, and are very limited as to which public spaces you can access.
The Hong Kong Government provides very comprehensive online information, providing all the details they want you to see, including their evidence that the unvaccinated in Hong Kong are dying at far higher rates than the vaccinated, and particularly than the multiply boosted. They share that vaccination is the most effective measure to stop the spread of the virus and prevent severe cases, hospitalization, and death.
Curious that the Government are not aware of the latest admission by Pfizer’s Janine Small to the EU Inquiry, nor the New South Wales data, nor the EU data, and US and UK Excess Deaths and ONs data which all support more jabs = higher cases = higher deaths = higher all-cause mortality.
The latest news out of Hong Kong emphasizes that masking will not be relaxed until vaccination uptake of children improves. All children 5 years and older are eligible for Covid-19 vaccination.
Seven doctors have been arrested for suspected malpractice over the issuance of more than 20,000 covid-19 vaccination exemptions, and there is a raging discussion on whether the cancellation of those issued exemptions is illegal or not!
The Hong Kong Government looks set to address this little problem by amending laws to enable it to nullify the jab exemption problem!
Covid-19 Infection and Covid-19 Injection Status in Hong Kong
So what is the Covid-19 situation and vaccination status in Hong Kong? Hong Kong is reporting that it is currently in it’s “5th Wave” of Covid-19 Infections. Daily cases and deaths are shown.
6.89 million (89.84%) of Hong Kong’s population of about 7.3 million have received primary series, and 6.14 million (81.9%) have received boosters. This makes Hong Kong one of the most heavily jabbed countries in the world!
Daily dosing is slowly tailing off and stood at 9,030 doses on 23rd of October. Perhaps because most people who are going to have already been jabbed!
In terms of health outcomes, up to 24th October 2022 Hong Kong has reported 10,333 total deaths from Covid-19 (1,377 deaths per million population).
They have not reported on Total Excess Deaths since the end of May 2022, nearly 5 months ago, when excess deaths stood at 1,821/ million (11.28% excess deaths) compared to Covid-19 attributed deaths which stood at 1,251/million population at that time. Between the end of May and nearly the end of October, Covid-19 deaths have increased by 126/ million population. It would appear that increasing vaccination is not effectively stopping transmission or deaths!
While Hong Kong have relaxed their hotel quarantines requirements for incoming vaccinated visitors, replacing it with 0 + 3 (no quarantine, only 3 days of medical supervision either at home or in a hotel including testing), tourists are not yet returning.
Not only are tourists not returning (why would they, there are already many places with no restrictions), there is also a mass exodus from Hong Kong. The expatriates left early in the pandemic, if they could, and residents are following suit.
Hong Kong seems more like a prison than the vibrant city it once was. Sadly, I think I won’t be visiting Hong Kong any time soon! At least not until travel conditions have returned to pre-pandemic.
A culture of conformity? Do what you are told... Be a good citizen.... Don't rock the boat.... Comply, comply, comply.... you would not dare to resist.... no one resists... yes sir... yes mam... I will take the injection... I will love to take the injection... I am here to please and do what I am told.