2021 Data from the US Society of Actuaries Shows Startling Excess Deaths Particularly in Working Age Groups. Mass Loss of Productive People.
Working age groups, 25-64, saw large historically unprecedented cumulative increases in mortality from 2019 to 2021. The largest change was in 2020, but large changes also occurred in 2021.
The Society of Actuaries Research Institute 2021 Provisional US Population Mortality Report covering 2021 deaths has been released. Data tables and the report may be accessed here. The document is quite concise with clear explanatory figures, and easy to read!
The executive summary is excerpted below for easy review.
Their figures show very marked changes in death rate trends: deaths soared in 2020 and 2021!
The 10-year interval death rate figures are just stunning. It is immediately clear that the death patterns in 2020 and 2021 are highly abnormal for all age-groups 15 and older.
While there was a slight increase in the under 1 yo deaths in 2020 to 2021 compared to 2019-2020, which was lower than typical, the overall historical downward trending in death rates continued. Whatever happened to the rest of the population did not have negative impacts on the mortality of the youngest babies.
Youth aged 15 - 24 had a big jump in deaths. However, younger children's death rates showed only very slight increases, within historical ranges. Younger children were not much affected by the deadly population assault; not susceptible to Covid-19 infection and (likely) not yet significantlyCovid-19 jabbed.
Working-age people showed a big increase in deaths. These are age-groups that are typically the most productive and professionally active and have historically low death rates. What a loss to the country!
ages 35-44 saw a cumulative 49% cumulative increase in death rates from 2019 to 2021,
25-34 had a cumulative 39% increase,
45 to 54 had a cumulative 36% increase, and
age 55 to 64 had a 28% increase.
This is unprecedented! Typical death rates are stable! Were stable! Historical year on year changes were always low single digit % changes.
There were spikes in retirement age deaths in 2020 and 2021, but to a far lesser extent than the working age groups.
The drop in deaths in the 85+ group in 2021 may be due to the most vulnerable having already died in 2020, with only a cumulative 7% increase from 2019 to 2021,
The 75-84 group had a cumulative 17% death increase from 2019 to 2021, but only 1% of this was in the most recent year from 2020 to 2021,
The 65 to 74 group had a 7% increase from 2020 to 2021, and a cumulative 26% increase from 2019 to 2021.
In 2020 the US had Covid-19, but no vaccinations. It is widely discussed that the management of Covid-19 in the US exacerbated poor outcomes though lack of early treatment, respirator protocols, and the use of toxic medications, among others.
In 2021 there was Covid-19 and there were the vaccines. Had the vaccines been effective, death rates should have dropped in 2021. They didn’t!
Preliminary international data for 2022 continues to be troubling. It is likely that the excess death patterns will continue. Maybe even worsen.
"They" will say its due to Covid.
Wow! This is worse than I thought, and I have been following it. This also shows that the excuse or the story we keep getting from the vested interests, that more people are dying simply because the populations is aging, is completely debunked.