"They" will say its due to Covid.

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Wow! This is worse than I thought, and I have been following it. This also shows that the excuse or the story we keep getting from the vested interests, that more people are dying simply because the populations is aging, is completely debunked.

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Great video from Mike Adams: EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data


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So what we see is that the group least likely to die, because they are young-ish, responsible, hard-working, not drug- or alcohol-addicted people, suddenly started dying at a much higher rate. Gee, I wonder what happened to that group in 2021 to precipitate this???

It's a lot easier to demand a need for mass immigration if you kill off all the currently working people, isn't it?

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Except that nearly every country has also killed off many of their most experienced, most productive aged people!

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