From Steve Kirsch. The king may have paid the ultimate price for his demand for vaccine support. Loss of his eligible heir. He may or may not allow an autopsy. https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/vaccinated-thailand-princess-bajrakitiyabha?utm_source=direct&r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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An interesting situation. There are some real elites who have slipped through the net and accepted vaccination as the classic definition of disease control. Wake up. You are meant to take the fake shot and never tell the public!! it is happening to politicians around the world as the corrupted one takes the salty water jab and some family members get the real jab. How do they keep explaining away and dealing with the deaths? The web of deceit grows old and dry and crumbling. The money to keep the media from spilling the beans is mounting and keeping the medical profession committed to the crime against growing fear of prosecution has to be increasingly demanding. These are chinks in their armour which will lead to their sudden collapse.

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Keep chipping away and the cracks get larger - another B & M gates plandemic in 2025 on record! Why did these revolting specimens ever get divorced?🤣

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This king will save face and spend the rest of his days in denial - they’re an intrinsically cruel race unfortunately - wonder why this poor woman wasn’t given fake shot like most of the ‘elite’?

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It is one thing to lose someone who is old and lived a long life and quite another to lose someone unexpectedly who is young and has their whole life ahead of them. This has happened to me and it leaves a hole in your heart that can never be filled. The criminals who did this to our people need to be hung by their necks until they are all dead. And even this will not begin to right this wrong or fill the millions of holes in the millions of hearts across the world.

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Perhaps the controllers want the collapse of the Thai Monarchy. She was very accomplished, very politically astute, very real, by all accounts the best hope for future of the Thai Monarchy.

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Condolences to the family. Is it because Thailand is suffering from climate change? Maybe a lack of sleep? Long covid? Perhaps she was on a waiting list for medical treatment she didn't get during lockdown? Or is it due to the aging population in Thailand?

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It is ABV that caused it. "Anything But the Vaccine"

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She Died???? or Is Dying????....Vaccinated Thailand Princess Bajrakitiyabha dies suddenly at age 44


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Essentially died. Could not be revived, even though her blood was circulated artificially. Her death has been unofficially announced today.

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I'm an American senior and I lived in Thailand until February 2019, I currently live in the Philippines and I LONG TO RETURN TO Th, so this news is "TOO CLOSE TO HOME" FOR ME.🙏🏼😪 💙

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You still want to return?

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YESSS!!!! I have friends, particularly in one specific family, so close that we refer to each other as sister, brother, uncle and nieces ... on the other hand, during all the years I've lived in the Philippines, as a 26-year American friend warned me, I've found that there's NO REAL partnership here, so what would YOU DO if you were in MY SHOES??

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Chacun á son gout! If it makes you happy then go 😀

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Vous parlez français ??? MOI AUSSI ... avant de déménager en Thaïlande, pendant plus de 4 ans, j’ai résidé en le nord-est de France (Thann, Haut-Rhin, Département 68, Alsace 68800) ... ET VOUS ???

MERCI BCP, Wendy !!! 😀👍👌

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