DOH Secretary Herbosa has very clearly stated that the position of the DOH is that the vaccination will be voluntary and will only be done if parents / guardians provide signed consent to vaccination.

My concern is related to adequate informed consent.

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The Solution! Refuse all future injections until the makers accept LIABILITY. Save your kids from permanent Vax Injuries, a life of being permanently liable to more diseases or a shortened Life Expectancy! Home schooling might be the only way to SAVE your children!

All the while Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their medicines (particularly experimental DEADLY mRNA injectables), we cannot begin to TRUST anyone associated with the distribution and application of these depopulating 'medicines'. It is insane to accept these unproven 'protected' experiments!

All Safety and Efficacy data, proof, evidence, is usually created (forged = IN-House) within the labs of each manufacturer. This evidence of Safety and Efficacy is submitted to close 'FRIENDS' within the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc, where the Zero Liability rule justifies automatic acceptance of the B/S. No real 'policing' is undertaken by these meaningless corrupted authorities who accept falsified crap and authorise the continuance of the depopulation by accepting fictitious 'evidence' as genuine .

Until Pfizer, Moderna, etc, accept LIABILITY, nobody should entertain another injection of any of their deadly concoctions. It's just an insane and unjustifiable rule applied by the super greedy, super wealthy and mercenary 'vax' manufacturers.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Refuse all dangerous injections until LIABILITY is reintroduced!

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many wrongly believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details....also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalize the pandemic treaty...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including the phillipines...but dont waste your time using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor/suppress it it currently has over 251000 signatures it urgently needs many more.....a little tip if you go to the top of the citizengo.org petition page in the second column on the right and scroll down you will find its also in fillipino and also other languages

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Deny the now corrupted, unelected WHO & UN. In essence, they do not exist! We, the people have spoken! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Save your kids! The Solution! Refuse all future injections until the makers accept LIABILITY. Save your kids from permanent Vax Injuries, a life of being permanently liable to more diseases or maybe a shortened Life Expectancy! Home schooling might be the only way to SAVE your children!

All the while Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their medicines (particularly experimental DEADLY mRNA injectables), we cannot begin to TRUST anyone associated with the distribution and application of these depopulating 'medicines'. It is insane to accept these unproven 'protected' experiments!

All Safety and Efficacy data, proof, evidence, is usually created (forged = IN-House) within the labs of each manufacturer. This evidence of Safety and Efficacy is submitted to close 'FRIENDS' within the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc, where the Zero Liability rule justifies automatic acceptance of the B/S. No real 'policing' is undertaken by these meaningless corrupted authorities who accept falsified crap and authorise the continuance of the depopulation by accepting fictitious 'evidence' as genuine .

Until Pfizer, Moderna, etc, accept LIABILITY, nobody should entertain another injection of any of their deadly concoctions. It's just an insane and unjustifiable rule applied by the super greedy, super wealthy and mercenary 'vax' manufacturers.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Refuse all dangerous injections until LIABILITY is reintroduced!

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F.W.I.W. SuperSally, I hope this helps. Good day.


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This is excellent. Thank you!

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Thank you for this excellent article. It goes into great detail on the cade against Merck over giardisil and the wrongful deaths of mote than 150 girls, attributed to giardisil.

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Notice a global coordinated attack on free speech under the guise of misinformation the last few week?. This is the enemy's next hill to die upon. And we understand that mis/disinformation is any speech that counters a government or global agency narrative.

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