Mar 29, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Thank you SuperSally. Your Substack output is both informative and important.

Your news about the establishment of a ‘CDC’ clone in Australia is frightening - especially the parts about such a Government bureaucracy being assigned the job of being “The Single Source of Truth”. None of this was mentioned during the last federal election in Australia. The rational members of Australia’s medical professions need to sit up and take fright at this proposal. It will crush their ability to recommend any treatment that is tailored to an individual’s health needs. I am aware that General Practitioners are already heavily burdened by bureaucratic oversight, but such a CDC clone will effectively make them slaves of the state. This is a shocking development.

I am not a medical practitioner, but I have gradually become aware that, due to apathy, the doctors of Australia have allowed their professional medical representative bodies to be taken over by ideologues and activists, and it is these people who facilitated the imposition and mandating of the rollout of the ‘one-size-fits-all’ virtually untested novel gene therapy to the whole population, and are now effectively suppressing any discussion of the injuries and ongoing harm that this is causing.

Your link to ‘Michelle Stubbs’ just takes me to generic Facebook listing of a number of people by that name with no further information. I would like to read more of her work - does she have a Substack page or even a website independent of Facebook (which I don’t use) ?

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Michelle is only on FB for now. I am planning to mine her page for crucial reports and will share them. Am encouraging her to move to substack so she can share.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

This is such a wonderful system that no one will be allowed to opt out and it will be compulsory for everyone to join.

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Frightening how brazen they are becoming.

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Desperate I think is a better word. They understand that they are losing the narrative over the people and are desperate to keep their plans going in hope that "Somehow" they can keep control. The more they push the more people wake up. There is a fantastic future for all of us on the other side of this. We just have to get through this. Love one another and stay connected. Thanks for all your work, too, Gary

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I really "hope" you're right Margot. I guess that's why I've 'heard' they want to shut down the internet. I am not sure that is possible any longer. To shut the net down that is.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

The Corporate Propaganda Media (aka MSM) is a stakeholder, no doubt ?

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I see a lot of like minded people who can actually "see" what's going on with our Federal and State governments. I thoroughly concur with many of us who say it's time for change, sack the government, get rid of the major parties and current "pollies" in control and like comments. The big question is how?

Whenever I read these comments I get the overall feeling that no one has any idea how.

If one asks the question publicly people will say at the ballot box, as that's how our "system" works. A system that works for the government but not for us.

The preferential voting system does not work for us.

What do we do about that?

There are voting "techniques" that put the major parties last in this preference fiasco. However you have to follow the technique when voting. This could result in a "hung" government, or an Independent or a group of Independents in control, but the vast majority of people at this stage believe there is nothing wrong with this system.

That can be easily seen by the number of people who have been "convinced" to get another booster shot of the poison injections. Already lining up for their fifth shot. Injections we the people are actually also paying for, including those that refuse to receive them.

With all the coercions that are being used to get us to accept the shots or lose your business, job, medical services, transport or education, it has become necessary to "refuse" rather than simply decline, which is our right.

How is that for a sweetheart deal between the manufacturers and we the customer.

No thank you I don't want it.

But you will pay for it anyway. Irregardless. If you don't get it, we and "your" government will make it hard for you.

Then there are the courts. There are numbers of successful court cases taken out against the perps, but we do not see them in the press, because the same club that owns the "pollies" owns the press.

There is a case on the Central Coast of New South Wales where groups are getting together to fight the Super City thrust by the Local Councils. This a good example of people forming their own groups locally and working on solutions.

Being together locally gives people the actual communal advantage of like minded camaraderie. Something the social distancing and masks were "designed" to discourage.

Some people are saying we are marching straight toward a Soviet, Chinese style socialist state.

If that's the case and I give that idea some weight, then it is vital we form like minded groups to choose what action we can take with others.

Having eyes that can see and ideas on our own is all very well, but we need each others support. I believe we need it sooner than later. Find like minded friends and form groups to fight back.

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SuperSally's repetitive use of the CDC 'war cry', "single source of truth" really defines the authors of this CDC proposal for what and who they are. Immensely greedy, political and financial control freaks.

Without being paranoid, it is an invitation to the Socialist Agenda of total control over everything in our lives.

SuperSally's analysis is revealing all throughout.

This should create greater demonstrations than the lockdowns have. I hope it does. At the least contact your local member and ask his or her stance on this and let them know your opposition.

Ask them where do they think this leaves our sovereign right to determine our own health.

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It's high time we remove all labour, liberal n Green politicians in Australia. They have overstayed their welcome, infact they're actively working to destroy the country.

I truly pray the Australian population will wake up to the egregious evil that have been perpetuated on them over the last 3yrs and truly resist/ sack all these pollies NOW.

The current labour government is a disgrace and trust me the previous liberal one is no better. Finally, I hope the people can see both sides for who they truly are and help to change the voting and political landscape of this great nation.

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How do you propose to "sack" the current system of government?

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Welcome to Communist Australia!

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Australia, as the 51st state - of course we will have the same system. Deceased journalist Jerry Mazza The AIDS virus: Made in the USA? writes https://onlinejournal.com/health/102605Mazza/102605mazza.html A QUOTE "In fact, on July 29, 1969, only days after the Department of Defense (DOD) asked for $10 million from Congress to fund the development of a �synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired . . ." on that day, the chairman of the Republican Task Force on Earth Resources and Population, the Honorable George H. W. Bush, U.S. Representative from Texas, 7th District (1967�71), stressed the pressing need for population control activities to fend off �a growing Third World crisis.� Imagine.In fact, on July 29, 1969, only days after the Department of Defense (DOD) asked for $10 million from Congress to fund the development of a �synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired . . ." on that day, the chairman of the Republican Task Force on Earth Resources and Population, the Honorable George H. W. Bush, U.S. Representative from Texas, 7th District (1967�71), stressed the pressing need for population control activities to fend off �a growing Third World crisis.� Imagine. END QUOTE Click link above to continue reading

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Must be a new push by the 1World Government, to fool people into the false sense of security in their own nonsense democracy facades.

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