CCH (Covid Call to Humanity) 14 May 2023 Public Seminar Ep. 75: Shocking News!!! You won't believe this is happening to the world!
Sir Nic discusses SB1869 (establishment of Philippines CDC) from both a world and Philippines context. Petition against SB1869 linked. CDCPH position paper and presentation materials provided. Share!
Philippines public advocacy groups are mobilized to educate the population regarding the pending Senate Bill 1869. In this article I share some of the most recent and relevant materials. Starting with the CCH public seminar from yesterday evening (14th May 2023), then a petition that is currently being circulated, and finally with the CDCPH position paper and presentation materials. All information provided here is for public sharing and use!
CCH Public Seminar EP. 75
Sharing here Nicanor Perlas’ presentation last night. It is long, but it is worth listening to for people wanting to know what is really going on (shocking, horrifying, must know!). This seminar is relevant to both Filipino and International audiences. It is conducted in English. LINK HERE. Concerned citizens will be rallying at the Philippines Senate today and in coming days, continuing the ongoing demonstrations expressing extreme concerns over this bill.
The Coalition of Cities Watchmen have started a PETITION against SB1869. This petition may be being blocked: the number of signatures are not moving much. If you sign please be sure to check for the confirmation email that you need to respond to in order to have your signature added.
CDCPH Position Paper and Presentation Materials
Below is a copy of the CDC PH presentation materials against SB1869, summarizing concerns, which has been presented to senators and/or their staff along with the CDCPH Position Paper and many other interested groups since it was prepared in March 2023.
I will upload the presentation later in PDF as a downloadable link, once I get the link from the team.
Thanks for this article. Have signed the petition already. Waiting to download the presentation... Looks like our lawmakers have ignored (or unaware of) the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. So sad.