Sir Nic discusses SB1869 (establishment of Philippines CDC) from both a world and Philippines context. Petition against SB1869 linked. CDCPH position paper and presentation materials provided. Share!
Thanks for this article. Have signed the petition already. Waiting to download the presentation... Looks like our lawmakers have ignored (or unaware of) the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. So sad.
I will upload the presentation later in PDF as a downloadable link, once I get the link from the team.
Thanks for this article. Have signed the petition already. Waiting to download the presentation... Looks like our lawmakers have ignored (or unaware of) the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. So sad.
Please be sure to confirm your signature. There will be an email after you sign the petition.
Thanks SS. This initiative should be compulsory all over the world.
Only way to wake the people up to the world takeover by the satanic cabalists.