There must be [ACCOUNTABILITY]. No [DEALS], just [JUSTICE]. Those who REFUSED to listen to contrarian data, evidence, opinions and real-world solutions and even SUPPRESSED, CANCELED, CENSORED and GASLIGHTED the bearers of TRUTH must be held to account, whether they willingly or unwillingly or out of sheer STUPIDITY participated in these diabolical CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. #Nuremberg 2.0 no less!

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The Philippines for decades have over 100,000+ DEATHS yearly from UNKNOWN CAUSES. The Government never thought to investigate, WHY were tens of thousands of people dying from UNKNOWN CAUSES! It is also a very common Philippines Statistic that the combined yearly deaths from upper & lower respiratory infections, Tuberculosis and common Pneumonia total over 100,000+ . Let's assume 100% of the total reported Covid deaths were unrelated to numerous pre-existing medical conditions, the total after 2-1/2+ years is far insignificant to the above mentioned common causes. The big concern now is the EXCESS DEATHS beyond the normal which are rising since the Vaccinations started.

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It is not surprising to have deaths with unknown cause given the limitations of medical care and diagnostics. However we had the historical stable patterns on death. Then we have 2021 and.onwards

The big issue is the massive spike in excess deaths way above anything ever seen historically. Birthrates are also plummeting so that is a double whammy.

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It is not over. They will still create fear with another pandemic. I will only celebrate our win when I see these vaxx pushers in prison.

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