We were sitting together in a family group setting this holiday season, where all are having fun discussing all sorts of things, as people were talking across each other, laughing at whatever, and enjoying the moment(s) of just being together. Then at some point one conversation stopped all others dead with the word “cases”. All ears perk up and those ears listen intently on what’s being discussed. This particular discussion was on how many thousands or hundreds of thousands of CoVid cases were being reported out of China as well as other places far far away.

The mood sank and went solemn with such a seriousness that people begin to chime in with their own anecdotes and news as they know it. The room’s climate changed from fun loving to fear and anxiousness so thick you could cut it. And as it continued there is no mention of the jab in a positive light or the jab as even a remotely possible cause of all the infections and reinfections, everywhere. Nothing but crickets on the jab. Amazing!

So there I sat the only non-jabbed one in this particular family group, knowing what I know and feeling my heart sink because these people, my family who I love either really do know nothing or they intentionally deny their gut feelings and intuition, or any sense of some red flag of question on the turn of events in the non pandemic as the data on jab injuries come out. They did not even have questions why so many new cases. It was pure acceptance that the pandemic is still alive and well.

I realize they know only what they know and hear on tv and they are justified in the choices they made to follow the Fauci science soup of the day, but in that moment, all I had to say was something like “do you think the jab could have anything to do with the virus still spreading?”

I did not, I could not. I cringe to think where that would have put the mood of the gathering even though it had descended to a pretty low level already.

I declined chiming in because I could not stomach another ridiculing from them or anyone for that matter, loved ones or not for me making my choices because those choices don’t align with their’s.

So I just sat quiet as the discussion ran it’s course with everyone agreeing in nods and affirmations that the pandemic is still alive and running ramped around the earth.

Eventually, the gathering did return to fun holiday cheer after a bit and CoVid bump was smoothed out for the time being from results of their tribal consensus.

At some point I feel I will chime in and give them my POV because they have a right to know what I know, correct? Although a new bump will most likely form from it, and suffering for them will most likely be caused from it, because of hearing truth? Won’t this bump smooth out too? It will right?

I was lovingly told once that the act suffering is personal and that as individuals we are all responsible for our own suffering. Nobody else can do it for us.

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Just read Igor Chudov's article on this, here was my comment on it: "as you say, a known and real effect, and a proven effect of injecting people multiple times for allergy relief. So obvious this would happen. And, in all those immune tolerant [immunosuppressed or compromised in the case we have made someone tolerant to a virus] folks in which the virus is replicating unchecked, they will be cauldrons for generating new mutants, a bit like the molnupiravir effect."

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Thanks! Just added a link to Igor's work!

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With airway infections, like Covid-19, antibodies, no matter if they are IgG1 or3, do not matter almost at all. Why? They are only in the blood. You will not be able to find them on the mucous membranes of the upper airways, where the infection takes place.

It is like fighting a battle in the mountains, using submarines in the ocean. There are antibodies type sIgA, which are produced locally, but not very effective against viruses and not in big numbers to withstand a high virus load.

The primary defense mechanism here are T-cells, part of the cellular immune system. None of them are influenced by "corona-vaccines", no matter if they are gene based or traditional (attenuated virus or particles thereof).

In other words, none of those injections are effective in preventing infections and/or transmissions, because the antibodies are in the wrong place, the blood.

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The bottom line here from reading all of this (and other posts) is “If you are boosted, you are the walking dead”

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I keep hoping I could be wrong, but everything I see is pointing towards our fears on outcomes being realized. Many still seem ok. But then there are the sudden unexpected deaths in people who were jabbed even over a year ago. Another one on Christmas day here in Manila. A 44 Yo physically active man (laborer), normal weight, no known health conditions, no maintenance meds, literally dropped dead of presumed heart attack after Christmas lunch. 2 doses of AstraZeneca just over a year ago. Could there be another cause for his sudden death? We must presume these jabs are guilty now, unless proven otherwise. It takes time for the damage to accrue in people who truly were very healthy prior to these jabs.

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Yup! All MRNA vaccines will cause harm. The entire principle is flawed and will kill and disable anyone who takes them.

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From this article and from the study it came from here is what is going on. The IgG3 T cells (the ones we need) are reduced to almost nothing after the third shot. The body switches to IgG4 T Cells (these are anti-bodies that recognize invaders but don't attack them). IgG4 T cells allow us to be tolerant to things like bee stings. So the vaccine makes the body switch off IgG3 and turn on IgG4. Now you have IgG4 T cells finding nothing wrong with Covid virus variants. The body can't clear these infections. With each new "breakthrough" infections their is potential for organ damage from the runaway infections. So there is immune system time bomb running in everyone with 3 injections or more. Some will just last longer than others. This is so horrible I could hardly believe it... but the evidence is there. I think they are all going to die from this.


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Of course not at all a part of the Genocide plan?

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