persons and convincing them to take Covid-19 Vaccines! Master listing of unvaccinated, demand strategies, and quotas are discussed. Is this evidence of a round up and forced dosing campaign? Legal?
Kinda weird timing given the WHO just declared an end to the COVID emergency.
Yet in the Philippines, our lives are still made difficult in some ways as it seems we are still living in 2020-2021. Hospitals still require testing for admitting patients, and some LGUs want to reimpose mask mandates (?!?!?). Most regular people have moved on, yet some with vested interests still want to keep the show going on.
Science is no longer being followed, but clearly the $$$.
It will be interesting to see how these programmes of the DOH play out, what happens with their relentless vaccine push, once the state of health emergency (still in effect in the Philippines until lifted by the President) is lifted.
Kinda weird timing given the WHO just declared an end to the COVID emergency.
Yet in the Philippines, our lives are still made difficult in some ways as it seems we are still living in 2020-2021. Hospitals still require testing for admitting patients, and some LGUs want to reimpose mask mandates (?!?!?). Most regular people have moved on, yet some with vested interests still want to keep the show going on.
Science is no longer being followed, but clearly the $$$.
It will be interesting to see how these programmes of the DOH play out, what happens with their relentless vaccine push, once the state of health emergency (still in effect in the Philippines until lifted by the President) is lifted.
Thanks SS. The final catastrophic collapse into tyrannical despotism. RIP Democracy in the Philippines.
Time for Pinoi Revolution. People Power. Get rid of your current govturds NOW.