A very glaring statistic is the median age of death. 86! So you can clearly see that they are trying to claim that nearly ALL those unvaccinated and 1 dose only deaths are occuring in extremely old people. It xoesnt make sense that so many old people are making up the unvaccinated proportion of deaths. This is how they do it! They attribute old, unvaccinated people as dying from Covid, when in reality they died of something else, while the old, vaccinated people they attribute as dying from another comorbidity. Same trick used in NZ. We are supposed to believe that all these old people are rabid antivaxxers who are getting their just desserts. In reality, they died of something else, or were so immuno compromised that they couldn't tolerate the jabs.

Note also they are hiding the trend, by using cumulative data. I would suggest that if you saw the weekly data of vaccination status of Covid deaths, or ACM, you would see a deteriorating trend for the vaccinated.

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The one dose only high deaths apparent anomaly is because those people got one dose and had a severe reaction, and thus didn't take a second dose. Then when they die, they blame the death on only having taken one dose... instead of the death having happened (prematurely?) because they took that one dose.

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You are correct. The very elderly are not vaccinated and vaccine hesitant. Further, I know first hand from discussion with Hong Kong colleagues that many families do not want to vaccinate their very elderly parents and grandparents, fearing for their health outcomes. Thus, very easy to blame the deaths of covid regardless of their death causes (even extreme old age), and use these deaths to skew all the other data.

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Yes correct! But we can see through the magic tricks.

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A very similar pattern to New Zealand. In both countries there were very few cases and deaths until the Omicron wave of early 2022. This was the first time the vaccine was seriously challenged. Then there is a huge wave of cases and deaths. But I NZ, 70 to 90 % of all deaths were in the vaccinated, trending higher as the 2022 year has progressed. It's been 93% over the past 2-weeks, so I'm not sure the data from HK is accurate. And like NZ, we are not allowed to see the vaccination status of All Cause Deaths. I wonder why?

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Government mandated euthanasia of the entire population. I glad I am not in that part of hell on earth.

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I could have been there! I had a work permit all set to go early in the pandemic! Then I declined!

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Wow... good that you declined... we need you on the outside... not on the inside of Jab Central.

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Reading now that constantly something is sprayed from the sky over China via drones. They say its disinfectants but I beg to differ. China is wefs playground and Trudeau is trying his best to emulate China on his own population which is quite placid ( too placid). Europeans are not so placid as u might think having still knowledge of Holocaust and war told to young people by grandpa. They are not taking it i doubt it. Look at France. China also is finally awakening their fighting spirit and I hope they never stop till freed!! With all my western heart i am with the fighters. Please don't stop! It isn't right to be controlled by drones and sprayed and jailed. It isn't right. Even if covid is dangerous which really it isn't that much. But even if it isn't right. And please living in a safe cage for longer or live shorter free I pick the latter. Freedom is one if not the most important thing humans and actually all living beings have but some are just used but don't let it be humans please. And so even if your Hong Kong friends are pro jab they shouldn't be anti freedom. The jab should be freely chosen.

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Thanks for posting.

Hong Kong in the cross hairs due to their non compliance, riots & general insurrection.

Of course they're working! Offing more & more innocents, every minute, of every hour, of every day.

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They're turning HK into a ghetto. Nobody wants to live there anymore that cares about a decent quality of life.

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Thank you for this article.

Please check your sources on "While the Australian Government which has recommended against a 5th dose for their population". My understanding is that Atagi 'has not changed its advice' on vaccination, which is quite different than 'recommending against'.

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