Magical, precious, frightening realism is expressed in this 90 minute meeting of compassionate geniuses. Sally is correct, as Naomi begins to cry over some of the realization that’s happening, one cannot dodge the spear through the heart of each of us as our empathy is trying to come to grips with this. POWERFUL and ENLIGHTENING. I recommend one sits down with these beautiful leaders in a quiet space to hear all each has to say. Thank you ‼️🙏🏻

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Naomi cried when the doctor said people would lose their ability to love. This has horrible implications for their future behavior and the world they live in. Once higher brain functions are gone the brutal animalistic drives take over. We are unlocking the beasts within us.

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And keep your body free of spike proteins, too!

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This is a “must watch” for anyone who is unvaccinated. The implications of what is explained here are shocking. We may be soon be living (maybe are now) with millions of brain damaged people who will get increasingly more brain damaged with each passing day. We may not be able to save anyone who has been vaccinated. They may now be a human sub-species.

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