Patients Have Rights Except when They Don't - Under Epidemic Conditions, In Case of Mandatory Interventions, When Public Health and/or Research Interests Prevail.
New Bill of Patient Rights Clearly Written for Use Under Philippines CDC HB6522. The medical-Industrial complex takes over abandoning patient-centered care. Forced vaccination / medication permitted.
Just brought to my attention is a newly released Patient Bill of Rights (or is it an Act, as referred at the end of the document) published on the DOH’s St. Anthony Mother and Child Hospital, Cebu, Philippines website.
This terrifying document, complete with spelling errors indicating it is an early draft, and topped with the Philippines Government Transparency Seal, has some clauses that will revolutionize health care. Endemic and Public health is put above informed consent, personal healthcare decision making, and any prior rights of the patient. Religious Freedom in medical decision making is removed. Medical rights, confidentiality and privacy are conditional! Medical detention is permissible.
The Declaration of Helinski, a 2013 WMA (World Medical Association) document covering medical research on human subjects is referred to. Be aware that this declaration is currently under active revision.
This Bill seems to tie in directly with the provisions of the proposed Philippines CDC Bill, and its overlying compliance with the WHO IHRs.
This bill will make hospitals feared and avoided, rather than the places of healing they were originally intended to be.
Is this bill constitutional?
This bill is coming to a hospital near you! I have extracted some key sections: -
Informed Consent
Patients have a right to informed consent with regards to all interventions. A patient will not be subject to any procedure without written informed consent except when b) when the health of the population is dependent on the adoption of a mass health program to control EPIDEMIC, and c) when the law makes it compulsory to submit to a procedure.
“Pandemic” is now downgraded to “epidemic” as a rationale to remove human rights. This is collective government mandated medicine. This permits forced health procedures under the guise of public good or when legislated for. Doctors and their practice of medicine will be subjugated to the state.
Privacy and Confidentiality
The patient has the right to privacy and confidentiality. Except that unwarranted public exposure is permitted b) when the public health and safety so demand: -
Private information, communication, records may not be divulged to any 3rd party except when a) such disclosure will benefit public health and safety.
Self Determination
The patient has the right to self-determination in medical care, providing that this doesn’t prejudice public health and safety.
Religious Belief
Patients have the right to refuse procedures contrary to his religious belief, except in case of the exclusions mentioned. Ie. population health interventions and mandatory procedures affecting public health. This does away with a religious freedom objection to any treatment.
Right to Leave
Patients may leave a healthcare facility freely, unless it affects public health and safety. This effectively endorses medical detention.
Right to Refuse Participation in Medical Research
Patient must be advised if they are to be experimented on or used in research, except where it involves education and training of future health care providers. That is surely open to very broad interpretation. The Declaration of Helinski covers Medical Research Involving Human Subjects! The last version was issued in 2013. It is currently under active revision which should be watched closely in light of the WHO pandemic treaty and IHRs.
Rights and Obligations, as Declared in this ACT
Every person must be informed of their rights and obligations as a patient. DOH will LAUNCH (clearly this is a brand-new initiative) and sustain a nationwide information and education campaign. Rights as patients declared in this ACT. ACT? This requires investigation! Educate people to know that their rights are always to be subjugated to the Government’s, the WHO’s declared common good!
Brave New World Indeed! Brave New World where human subjects have rights only as far as permitted. Only when there is not an epidemic.
Rights only where they do not impact public health.
This would have seemed innocuous, of course public health should be considered in a benign decent genteel world. Except that we no longer live in such a world! In the light of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and the Philippines CDC Bill, public health will subjugate all other rights. Now it seems ominous, ominous indeed!
this is a global problem. here in the US, NY state has been trying to do this since the beginning of the plandemic https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A416
An elitist not to be confused with “the elite” is someone who thinks they won’t be affected by the policies they espouse. Many are well meaning I’m told by many elitists that there are too many people. Wondering if Freud’s death wish is triggered as a result of perceived over population.