this is a global problem. here in the US, NY state has been trying to do this since the beginning of the plandemic https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A416

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An elitist not to be confused with “the elite” is someone who thinks they won’t be affected by the policies they espouse. Many are well meaning I’m told by many elitists that there are too many people. Wondering if Freud’s death wish is triggered as a result of perceived over population.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Brilliant bringing together of all that is being imposed.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Thank for the updated information, Sally :)

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

It is a statement of the rights of the government.

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Truly frightening. "This bill will make hospitals feared and avoided, rather than the places of healing they were originally intended to be." - this has been the case in the UK for sometime, and increasingly so. Many people say they would rather die than end up in a hospital. I think this is what the government wants. Just today a government minister is saying we should have to start paying to go A&E or the doctor - in order to discourage people from accessing healthcare.

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Typically one has to pay outright or give a deposit before being seen at a hospital (despite the bill of rights). Hoapital Bill's can shift a family from surviving to abject poverty, truncate education, and consume assets and inheritance. Many here dont access healthcare due to cost. Some are born, live, and die never seeing a doctor.

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Good article, thanks. Do they have quarantine camps there?

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No quarantine camps in the Philippines for now. They used hotels to quarantine people during the height of covid.

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