DOJ rejects child deaths 8+ days post-jab as not causally linked, rejects witness experts for not being expert-enough, self-serving & unreliable, rejects autopsy findings as dengvaxia death evidence.
"a 'win for science'" - Sanofi's PR team have certainly done a good job on behalf of the company. But pharma companies are well-practised at all kinds of word/language deception as they've been doing it for decades. Occasionally they do get caught out for criminal and fraudulent activities, but that's also downplayed and they survive to lie and cheat another day.
"l am supportive of
vaccines. I am supportive
of vaccines...l want good
science and I want to
PROTECT the vaccines."
RFK Senate Hearing, Jan 29, 2025
"a 'win for science'" - Sanofi's PR team have certainly done a good job on behalf of the company. But pharma companies are well-practised at all kinds of word/language deception as they've been doing it for decades. Occasionally they do get caught out for criminal and fraudulent activities, but that's also downplayed and they survive to lie and cheat another day.