Thanks AA. Terrifying that the exact same observations are world wide. Yet injections continue.

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I have. friend who thankfully is attacking stage 1 prostate cancer and didn't understand when I said he should do his due diligence before his next booster. An intelligent man but has no idea why he should investigate before receiving.

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May 18, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Pharmacovigilance--- the database where they gather adverse events to scrub them down, make some disappear, and fabricate new reasons to gaslight the victims and keep pushing the "safe and effective" (at killing people) narrative. Rather like VAERS, come to think of it.

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May 18, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Thank you for continuing to report the corruption.

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deletedMay 18, 2023Liked by SuperSally888
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Yes, she is aware. She is continually posting on Twitter and sharing outcomes studies. I don't know why she is unable to act. Perhaps as you say, someone must file suit for her to be able to act! We are suffering mass denial and it seems no one wants to bring a case, even with proffered no charge legal assistance by some of our team!

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