Philippines Special Week of Vaccination from 26-30 September, extended to 1st October, has Failed! Reached Less than 6% of Target Population in 1st 4 days: Rejected Despite Mass DOH Mobilization.
DOH and LGUs are trying all measures to force vaccination! They are failing. In the first 4 days only 109,000 out of the targeted 1.9 million were reached.
Cavite Government has tried to enforce no booster, no ride (FB Video, in Tagalog).
Some schools have also been force vaccinating their students by not allowing unvaccinated students to attend school, even though vaccination is not required by DEPED as a pre-requisite for attending school. Parents in Zamboanga del Sur were forced to bring their unvaccinated children to vaccination centers, and over 8,000 students were jabbed before the DEPED put a stop to this practice.
Despite the mass mobilization of resources, the massive budget, uptake in the first 4 days of the special week of vaccinations has been less than 6% of the target. DOH only reached 109,000 individuals out of the 1.9 million target. Filipinos don’t want these jabs!
Stoic refusal is indeed a Filipino talent!
It is sickening beyond comprehension that after 80 years of tough but rewarding life, I get to stand aside and watch helplessly as school children are lined up to be murdered. Nothing has ever disturbed me in my whole life that compares with rich, powerful eliminating those they believe should not share this planet.
Stoic refusal is indeed a Filipino talent! Bahala na is also a great attitude for refusenics