Oct 1, 2022Liked by SuperSally888

It is sickening beyond comprehension that after 80 years of tough but rewarding life, I get to stand aside and watch helplessly as school children are lined up to be murdered. Nothing has ever disturbed me in my whole life that compares with rich, powerful eliminating those they believe should not share this planet.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by SuperSally888

Stoic refusal is indeed a Filipino talent! Bahala na is also a great attitude for refusenics

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by SuperSally888


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Oct 1, 2022Liked by SuperSally888

We ALL KNOW IT'S A HOAX. After 2-1/2+ years we don't know ANYONE who is sick! WORLD wide covid is 99.7% MILD! MORE people starve to death in the Philippines every day than 2-1/2 years of covid. According to https://www.unicef.org/philippines/child-survival it's very COMMON to report100 daily deaths of children from Starvation. That total is MORE than twice the covid totals. WE ALL HAVE HEARD THE STORIES WHERE COVID WAS CLAIMED TO BE THE CAUSE OF DEATH WHEN IT REALITY THE CAUSE WAS A HEART ATTACK, CANCER, OR OTHER LONG TERM ILLNESS. EVEN CAR ACCIDENTS! WE ARE SIMPLY NOT GOING TO COMPLY.

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