Singapore has released 2024 4th Quarter and Annual 2024 Vital Statistics. Deaths in 2024 have decreased by 1.7% over 2023 levels. However, they are 23.3% higher than 2019 pre-pandemic levels. Births
have increased by 0.5% in 2024 but decreased by 13.7% since 2019. The inflection point for higher mortality was the 3rd doses of Covid-19 Vaccination. Chinese population increased by only 91 in 2024.
Singapore’s 2024 data vital statistics was released on 28 February 2024. Births have increased slightly with a 0.5% increase over 2023 levels. Births are down by 13.7% compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.
Deaths in 2024 have also decreased by 1.7% over 2023 levels. However, they are still 23.3% higher than 2019 levels. Deaths in 2020, the first pandemic year, were unremarkable and similar to, though slightly higher, than 2019. Covid-19 vaccine rollouts started in Singapore on 30 December 2020. While deaths had notably increased above prior year levels by May of 2021, the death inflection point came in October 2021, the month after the start of 3rd dose administration to the Singaporean population. Deaths rose by more than 10% in 2021 and 2022, black swan events in each year! Deaths have not dropped back to pre-pandemic levels in 2023 and 2024. The entire population is experiencing a step-increase in deaths.
Singapore has an aging population. Births have been dropping and deaths rising over time. Notably dragon years typically have higher birth rates (2000, 2012, 2024). Indeed, there was some slight recovery of births in the latter half of 2024 which could be attributed to Chinese families welcoming their coveted dragon babies. However the birth spike in 2024 was far lower than the birth spikes seen in 2000 and 2012.
Taking a closer look at births and deaths relative to vaccine rollouts shows the shocking finding that deaths soared concurrent with booster administration.
Examination of births and deaths by race shows that Chinese Singaporeans, the majority race in Singapore, have just barely returned to positive population growth after losses in 2022 and 2023. Malay, Indian and other births are still considerably higher than deaths and these nationalities have growing populations.
Singapore is maintaining positive natural population growth, for now, though growth has dropped by more than half from 17,833 in 2019 to 7,257 in 2024.
Changes in the age groups that died in 2024 showed that deaths increased particularly among younger Singaporeans aged 15 to 24, 30-34, 40 - 44, and elders aged 70-79. The rising deaths in elders can be partially explained by an aging population. The rising deaths among young people cannot be readily explained as natural in an advanced modern society with a shrinking younger population.
When broken down by age-group and over time, most striking are the increase in pediatric deaths in 2021 for 15-19 yo, and increases in deaths in younger kids in 2022 and 2023. Adults not too striking except for the 60 - 64 adults who showed a clear increase in deaths from 2021. Senior citizens, particularly the oldest ages, showed a large step change in deaths over the pandemic years.
I did not find 2024 maternal death data in the sources that I accessed (it will available in the final annual report). However, stillbirths, perinatal and infant deaths remain higher than pre-pandemic levels in 2024.
Monthly patterns of stillbirths and infant deaths are shown from 2017 to 2024. There is a clear inflection of stillbirths from June 2022. While infant deaths appear stable, they should viewed as alarming in the context of an overall decreasing number of births.
Covid-19 vaccination of pregnant women began in Singapore on 8th June 2021. Pregnant women in Singapore were prioritized for Covid-19 Vaccination.
Singapore still recommends Covid-19 vaccination for its population aged 6 months and older, but particularly for senior citizens.
Infants and children up to 4 years are recommended to take 2 doses. Persons older than 5 are recommended to take a single dose and then annual doses thereafter if they want.
Population data for 2025 will be reported, once it becomes available. Births are expected to be lower in 2025 following higher births in the 2024 dragon year. Deaths will hopefully remain stable.
It’s Insanity to still be giving these totally useless, and even harmful jabs to anyone, let alone babies and toddlers !?!!! Have the medical authorities lost their minds or what?!?!?’ 😢🙏🏻
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