have increased by 0.5% in 2024 but decreased by 13.7% since 2019. The inflection point for higher mortality was the 3rd doses of Covid-19 Vaccination. Chinese population increased by only 91 in 2024.
It’s Insanity to still be giving these totally useless, and even harmful jabs to anyone, let alone babies and toddlers !?!!! Have the medical authorities lost their minds or what?!?!?’ 😢🙏🏻
They have lost their minds AND they refuse to look at their own data and global data. How can they officially admit that they stuffed up big time and have effectively killed their population?
Lucky for them most Singaporeans are very passive and don't question or even look at what is happening.
It’s Insanity to still be giving these totally useless, and even harmful jabs to anyone, let alone babies and toddlers !?!!! Have the medical authorities lost their minds or what?!?!?’ 😢🙏🏻
They have lost their minds AND they refuse to look at their own data and global data. How can they officially admit that they stuffed up big time and have effectively killed their population?
Lucky for them most Singaporeans are very passive and don't question or even look at what is happening.
God help us all to wake the Heck up!!!!!! What will it take?!?!?! 😢🙏🏻
check out a page called the expose