Stunning Paper, Marketed Authoritatively to Encourage Booster Vaccine Uptake, Shows Exactly How Conflict of Interest Works! Exactly How Badly "Science" Has Been Corrupted!
This is a perfect study paper for the student of deceit in science! I am only touching the surface in this discussion. Please dig deep, evaluate, and share! Bought for you by AstraZeneca!
CNN Philippines headline article screams, that based on a study whose first author is the Philippines own Dr. Solante, Vice President of the Philippines College of Physicians, that AstraZeneca is still an effective booster against Omicron!
If you haven’t gotten your third dose, you might want to schedule your shots soon…
22 Experts added their names to this paper on the site Research Square! This paper is effectively a literature review of other selected papers.
First item to note. This is a preprint; it has not been peer reviewed by a journal! The description specifically notes that the posting of this paper should not be interpreted as endorsement of it!
There is a note on status. The preprint has not yet passed any assessments (Badges) even by Research Square. This Research Square platform is provided to allow researchers to share their work early!
How very disingenuous of the authors and CNN! They present this “study” as if it were a validated research, instead of an unreviewed preprint! This “study” is being used to push uptake of booster vaccines!
In light of this and before any further review of the paper content. It is always good to check funding and author conflicts / declarations. Here they are!
FUNDING: AstraZeneca!
ACKNOWLDEGEMENTS: To the writers of the manuscript!
Was the writing and preparation of this manuscript outsourced and not written by the “authors” who put their names to it? That would seem to be the case! Medical Writers Asia and GCI Health are acknowledged. Medical Writers Asia are based in Singapore and in the business of publishing journals, periodicals and magazines.
Here is the profile of Glen Halliwell of GCI Health. Glen is a healthcare strategist with experience in supporting medical communications for global pharmaceutical clients.
GCI Health is a medical Public Relations and Communications Company!
So, our “study” was funded by AstaZeneca and written by global PR and Communication experts! 22 Authors put their name to it! Why? To make it sound more serious, more impressive, or to divert blame, and shame if a closer look it taken?
Next, I move to author declarations!
12 out of the 22 “authors” have declarations. These declarations read like a who’s who at a sponsored Pharma Junket! I have copied the declarations! Massive conflicts of interest abound!
Declaration of Interests: Following International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ (ICMJE) guidelines, Anna Ong-Lim reports honoraria for lectures from Moderna and is a member of the Technical Advisory Group, Department of Health in the Philippines. Carlos Alvarez-Moreno has received a grant from World Health Organization (WHO) to conduct the Solidarity Vaccine Trial in Colombia, he participates on the Colombian Data Safety Monitoring Board, and he reports receiving honoraria for lectures from Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Cao Huu Nghia, Kao-Pin Hwang, Rontgene Solante, Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales and Suwat Chariyalertsak report consulting fees from AstraZeneca. Javier Ortiz Ibarra reports receiving consulting fees, meeting attendance support and speaker honoraria from AstraZeneca and meeting attendance support from Pfizer. Dung Do-Van reports consulting fees and honoraria for advisory board attendance by AstraZeneca. Nan-Chang Chiu reports consulting fees from AstraZeneca and honoraria for scientific meeting travel and lecture from multiple companies. He is also a member of the Taiwan Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Taiwan. Ping-Ing Lee reports grants from the Taiwan Center for Disease Control for COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity studies, consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), and GlaxoSmithKline and payment for lectures from MSD. He also serves as the Chair, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice in Taiwan. Prasad S. Kulkarni is employed by Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd which manufactures a COVID-19 vaccine (Covishield) that is sub-licensed from AstraZeneca. Rommel Crisenio Lobo reports consulting fees from AstraZeneca and honoraria for lectures from Menarini Philippines, Nestle, Mead Johnson and Novartis. He is also the vice-chair of the National Adverse Events Following Immunization committee in the Philippines. Sasisopin Kiertiburanakul reports consulting fees from AstraZeneca and honoraria for lectures from AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Zuellig Pharma. Erlina Burhan, Sunate Chuenkitmongkol, Christopher Lee, Alejandro Macias, Rosana Richtmann, Marco Aurelio P Safadi, Hindra Irawan Satari and Guy Thwaites have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
Super concerning that some of the authors declare both receiving funding from pharmaceutical companies AND holding key positions in Government / academia in their counties of origin!
Conflicts specifically for the Philippines:
Anna Ong-Lim reports honoraria for lectures from Moderna and is a member of the Technical Advisory Group, Department of Health in the Philippines. [No wonder DOI OIC Vergeire is pushing these injectables so hard! Her COI should be a revealing read!].
Dr. Rontgene Solante, Vice President of the Philippines College of Physicians, receives consulting fees from AstraZeneca
Rommel Crisenio Lobo reports consulting fees from AstraZeneca and honoraria for lectures from Menarini Philippines, Nestle, Mead Johnson and Novartis. He is also the vice-chair of the National Adverse Events Following Immunization committee in the Philippines. [Could this explain the outstanding FDA AEFI Reports: Last published ‘every 2nd week report” was 21st August 2022: 4 & 18 September, 2nd October are unreleased].
Now to the paper itself which assessed 52 carefully selected papers on vaccine effectiveness! They also provided a “non-systematic literature review of safety”… [does that mean cherry picked?] “to identify single or multi-country studies investigating adverse event rates for at least two of the currently available COVID-19 vaccines.”
Here are the Abstract Sections and I have added some comments:
COVID-19 vaccines have been highly effective in reducing morbidity and mortality during the pandemic. However, the emergence of the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant and subvariants as the globally dominant strains have raised doubts about the effectiveness of currently-available vaccines and prompted debate about potential future vaccination strategies.
Highly effective in reducing morbidity and mortality? That is arguable! Cases AND Deaths went up following Covid-19 injectables rollouts!
Their Expert Opinion: “Boosters provide consistently Higher protection against Omicron-related severe disease and death…. conserved for 3 months!”
“The positive risk-benefit ratio of these vaccines is well established”.
There are many peer reviewed reputable studies disproving these statements, across many countries, from published researchers who don’t hold such gross conflicts of interest! Safety of these products is abysmal and easy to check from any computer! VAERS. The V-SAFE data / dashboard just released via FOI from ICAN showing 3.3 million out of 10.1 million participants in the data set reporting adverse reactions, all of the Vaccine Injury and Died Suddenly Groups which abound on various platforms, despite big techs efforts to block them.
Excess deaths soared following introduction of these experimental products in December of 2020 and have not yet returned to normal. Birth rates have also been plummeting. Disabilities and health conditions are at astronomical levels. There is no other rational explanation except the injectables, which already have clearly described mechanisms of harm.
The NSW, Australia data showing that the more doses, the worse the hospitalizations and deaths.
Reputable sources show findings diametrically opposite to the claims of this “paper”!
The paper summary calls for pushing of booster vaccines, particularly of the existing “vaccines” (not the variant specific vaccines) and diverting resources to improving vaccine access and coverage and challenging hesitancy and complacency.
Read the paper at your own risk! It is not worth much time and effort other than as an exquisite study into how so called “science” has been thoroughly manipulated.
This paper needs to be relegated to where it rightly belongs, along with all the other glossy but meaningless marketing materials for unwanted products at the bottom of a trash can!!
The public needs their attention brought to this hollow attempt at pushing more boosters, so they can see what this paper really is, and understand that it is blatant marketing, not science.
However, the “professionals” who have put their names on this paper need to be held to account! Their conflicts of interest scream that they are working not in the interests of the people they have been put into their positions to serve and keep safe, but in the interests of their pharmaceutical paymasters.
The first word on the CNN Marketing Blub Says it all! AstraZeneca still Effective Vs. Omicron!!
Let's hope all of these experts/criminals are all vaccinated. I don't think we will miss them when they expire from some vaccine caused sudden death or cancer or auto-immune disease or prion stimulated disease. We might actually be celebrating their removal from the planet. What do you think?
".experience in supporting medical communications for global pharmaceutical clients." Omigosh! That made me laugh! You did a terrific job on this, Sally!
Monstrous those "experts" signing onto that!