This is a perfect study paper for the student of deceit in science! I am only touching the surface in this discussion. Please dig deep, evaluate, and share! Bought for you by AstraZeneca!
Let's hope all of these experts/criminals are all vaccinated. I don't think we will miss them when they expire from some vaccine caused sudden death or cancer or auto-immune disease or prion stimulated disease. We might actually be celebrating their removal from the planet. What do you think?
".experience in supporting medical communications for global pharmaceutical clients." Omigosh! That made me laugh! You did a terrific job on this, Sally!
Great job Sally. As always. As Lawrence says "Let's hope all of these experts/criminals are all vaccinated." I guess when the right time comes they will topple like dominos.
Let's hope all of these experts/criminals are all vaccinated. I don't think we will miss them when they expire from some vaccine caused sudden death or cancer or auto-immune disease or prion stimulated disease. We might actually be celebrating their removal from the planet. What do you think?
".experience in supporting medical communications for global pharmaceutical clients." Omigosh! That made me laugh! You did a terrific job on this, Sally!
Monstrous those "experts" signing onto that!
Great job Sally. As always. As Lawrence says "Let's hope all of these experts/criminals are all vaccinated." I guess when the right time comes they will topple like dominos.